The Gift Of A Fresh Start
Janet Cronstedt
I embrace the belief that self-worth is fundamental to powering healthy & meaningful achievement.
It is time to take the next step! I would love to hear your biggest takeaway from the Fresh Start series.??
S-top making excuses
T-Take inventory of what you’ve got
A- Act in Faith
R-Refocus your mind
T- Trust that God knows what He’s doing
I’ll go first: Take Inventory of What I’ve Got.?
For me, the pandemic was a catalyst for taking personal inventory. It brought me full circle to a gut-level, self-evaluation. I looked back at my relationships, hurts, habits, and shortcomings asked myself the hard questions, and promised I wouldn’t give Sunday school answers.?
I dug in and asked myself these questions:?
Where am I??
How did I get here???
What needs to change if I am to reorder my life and START fresh?
And then it hit me. I will lean into my purpose of Awakening-Worth, and live it wholeheartedly.?
My purpose came out of a weekend session, led by my friend and mentor, Kevin McCarthy, of Although I have been guided by my purpose statement for over twenty years, I did not give it full expression until two years ago when I launched my website,
According to Kevin, “The job of your life awaits. It’s an inside job calling you to answer it. Having a purpose is our sustaining source of energy and meaning. It is like spiritual DNA. It’s relentless, yet gracious, awaiting us to grant it freedom of expression. It is undeterred from distractions, deviations, and demons, and persists in working in your best interest even if you’re not. It is not found in a job, another person, a relocation, a family, a cause, or a bank account. Purpose is your heart."?
Part of self-evaluation is identifying the demons, the lies that distort your thinking, feeling, and ability to make sound decisions.?
The decision to live into my purpose, enthusiastically, means that I will focus all of my energy on what I’m called to do, awakening worth in myself and others.?
My signature workshop, Powering Self-Worth & Performance, engages participants in a holistic approach to what’s possible when self-worth is awakened. Through interaction, well-thought-through exercises, and tools, participants leave the seminar with a plan for continued personal growth. Creating workshops, classes, and events for my clients that?offer tools they can use to grow and discover their worth is what continues to fuel my purpose.??
Isn’t it time you take inventory of what YOU’VE got? You are unique, a beautiful masterpiece designed for greatness.?
Ask yourself, what would a fired-up, passionate life filled with possibility look like for you? Are you open to giving yourself a fresh START???
I’ll be taking the summer months to get my fall and winter workshops ready to go, so be sure to watch for announcements regarding dates, times, and locations. Make sure to connect with me here so you don't miss a thing!
Here’s to rolling out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer to take inventory of what you’ve got...along with some pretzels and beer!
What are you waiting for?
?With love,