The gift of faith - Crying in the Chapel.
Belinda Fernandez
Ambassador for Canada. Zimbabwe war child survivor. Interviewed live on Newsnight Canada. Highly recommended Executive Assistant / HR Leader/Retreat Director. Open to global relocation.
Novena at Knock Shrine how privileged we are to join online. As I am sick I participated live yesterday in the anointing and prayed for healing for myself and those who I know who are sick. This young lady gave a beautiful reflection on her faith. Like many of us our loving Grandparents helped us nurture our faith, our parents baptized us and led by example going to church whenever they could and helped in committees, in parish activities and helped young people. Our faith is not individualistic it includes community and if we are blessed family. I too from a young age helped at church, I set up the nativity crib in junior school walking back alone sometimes afraid from church through the bush and isolated railway to our family businesses. I played at the organ mass, and trained my friend Natasha after me. I chose to be confirmed, in our church you choose your adult faith and whether to welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you, whether to remain Catholic. I chose the name Catherine and asked my cousin to stand as my sponsor because I admired her faith. Mine like many needs support of family and community. I know God is always with me. I helped young people at university organizing sales after mass for burgers and events to build community and helped organize prayers at Trinity House, South Africa bringing in our Chaplins support and played the organ there too, with friends at university we kept each other strong in South Africa binding up the sick, and helping at soup kitchens at the parish next door in a high crime society we found humour in going to movies hoping the tires on the car would be there when we got out, not stolen! I fought for a young woman Claire Bleackley my friend now, to have a place at Trinity House when the priest Fr. Peter Knox, did not want her there, promised to mentor her, look after her and did just that with my love her life was saved. I visited her in hospital and her home when she had a break in and was attacked in her back alley. I kept my faith when I was too outside Trinity House after Arthur Murray dance class and many break in thefts at home. We took our faith into our lives after graduation. In England, with the Jesuits there, like in South Africa I found Spiritual Direction through faith challenges and the love and support of my Jesuit friends. I thought about leaving when the child abuse scandals broke out and with the spiritual direction received decided to stay as I reflected on my faith. Leaving England was hard, I left good friends, people who practised their faith and loved me, never left me to face life alone. At Regis College I organised and led retreats at the college partnering with my Professors Michael Kolarcik and Maureen McDonald for my adult class. My talents have been used in reading at Blessed Sacrament, leading the Rosary and at Sunday evening prayer, as well as using my education in volunteering with ONE Campaign in Canada, Out of the Cold, Coldest Night of the Year and in politics, and countless other organisations and Boards. I have passed on my faith to the young people in my own family and helped with Children's Liturgy in Blessed Sacrament Toronto parish. It is moving to see Knock Shrine bring in women to lead with reflections. No one can blame me for feeling my life was wasted in Canada losing my home, health, harassment and with no financial success. I have done much to help others. To fight God, with all the injustice I faced in Canada and elsewhere. I admit I love watching these women in leadership in the church and I am a little jealous. They are right where they should be and I love Knock Shrine for giving them the opportunity to shine. To bring their faith and reflection to us. Our faith is individual and community, it stars first place in the movie of life, that's a wrap comes when God calls us home and we breathe our last breath. With every application and rejection to the church, I just say how is this even possible Lord? You call me through the Jesuits then leave me alone, poor and battling financially. Thank God for Ireland, for opportunities where faith shines. Where if they close the church I can ask Bono to help. Unlike in Canada where it is rules for the commoner but not our rich politicians, especially the Catholic ones like Justin Trudeau and Marco Mendicino who have ties to good Catholic schools. 4 days work weeks and poor health mean nothing to them, they are living the life, traveling, no masks, good schools for their kids and not meeting promises for sustainable development. They forget all I did to help them, the lives I saved including my Mum's. Faith sustains me even crying in the chapel. God helps me find a way.
Personal photos - Knock Shrine Service today.