The Gift of Another Day
If you were able to count all your blessings on any given day, you would fall very short of your goal. To make my point, let's begin with just a few.
Awaken - That is one. Stretch arm muscles - That is another. Take a deep breath - And another. You get the point. That's three, and your feet haven't even hit the floor yet!
Some individuals of our human race need help or assistive devices to accomplish even a few of those aforementioned things. Never take any thing for granted. In the next 24 hours over the globe, each second ticking away, humans will die in accidents, wars raging, disease, or violence. Some will die of natural causes or in their sleep. Never take anything for granted.
All these gifts or blessings must come from someone or something. Yes, but not just "out of the blue". All humankind has a loving and benevolent God who grants us all things at no cost or obligation through good works or behavior. Bad actors get many of the same or even more at times it seems, as do "good" actors.
Never take any thing for granted. That being said, it certainly looks or sounds like this whole article is an oxymoron or a confused author babbling about. Almighty God is not a thing. He is someone, someone you can trust, someone who is there for everyone who simply believes in Him. Never take Him for granted. Give thanks, and think upon the Gift of Another Day.