Gif Goodness
David Deubelbeiss
Teacher Educator. ELT Buzz. Community builder. Ed-Tech. Materials design.
I've kind of turned into a "Gif Guru". Really have gone deep down into this Alice's rabbit hole. But that's good and I think and see it as part of my own development as a curriculum and materials designer for language learners.
Gifs make the perfect language learning object. They are amazing "ideographs", visual representations of language that can be understood between language groups. A universal alphabet. And there are zillions of them available on the internet. I'm making them available with language for the billions of language learners around the globe with Gif Lingua.
Very beta. I'm just asking teachers for the moment to register, make pages of favorites from the thousands of books and then get students reading the books and doing the quizzes, studying the flashcards for each book.
It's exciting and on my server I have over 60,000 tagged and categorized gifs. Later this year will open the search engine to all lingophiles. A gif corpus that will also be an app for student learning and "consumption".