Giddings Polytechnic Academy is about Adding Value and not about Destroying other Institutions
Our attention is attracted to postings on different social media platforms that have been very critical of other academic institutions in Kakata, Margibi County. I am a product of some of those institutions and can unequivocally intimate that I would not have been whom I am today without the magnificent instruction received at those institutions. I do not concur with the criticisms; in fact, I am embarrassed by them.
The postings which were done by Mr. Sekou Kanneh, our General Supervisor, were ill-advised, reckless, unrepresentative, and are inimical to our vision and mission. We have admonished Mr. Kanneh and can assure you that this is a matter of the past. Our school will be different; there is no doubt. But, we cannot absorb the entire population of students in Kakata. And, neither should we be destroying others as a means of attracting students. More than that, we are about building cordial relationships with other institutions in Kakata and not about criticizing. Mr. kanneh has apologized and vowed to be more sensitive to others in the future.
The contours of our engagement with institutions in Kakata over the years should speak for us. We have maintained an excellent relationship with school owners, administrators, and teachers across Kakata. We hope to strengthen the ties we’ve built with the establishment of the Giddings Polytechnic Academy.
We commend the many people who have invested in the education of our children in kakata. Running an educational establishment is not an easy thing. No school deserves the chastisement contained in the postings. As we look forward to starting Academic 2020/2021, we are working on inviting principals of all junior and senior high schools in Kakata and adjacent communities to discuss how we can collaborate to support the work of each other. We are in this together and- “in union strong, success is sure.”