The Giant's Apprentice (continued)
Dr Dean Watson PhD Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
International Educationalist Watson Headache? Institute; Adjunct Senior Lecturer UniSA; Educating in and Identifying Cervical Afferents in Cervicogenic and Primary Headache; Clinical Consultant Watson Headache? Clinic
Watson’s colleague has been hanging out for their weekly catch-up, but Watson is unable to meet unless in the evening. Not wanting to wait any longer, Watson’s colleague agrees and makes a reservation at Watson’s favourite restaurant.? Unsurprisingly, Watson’s colleague has arrived early and requested the 2012 Albert Bichot Cote de Nuits Villages Burgundy.
The menus, burgundy and Watson, arrive simultaneously. ‘Thank you for ordering the wine.’
The Power of Peer Pressure
‘My pleasure’ comes his colleague’s anticipatory acknowledgment. ‘Well, what happened? I recall that there was significant resistance from Belinda*.’ (Please see The Giant's Apprentice)
‘Oh, Yes.? After what seemed an eternity, the coercion from an eager audience was too much for Belinda, so she reluctantly agreed,’ explains Watson. ‘How were you feeling,’ enquires Watson’s colleague.
‘Let’s just say that my heart was beating out of my chest; I recall thinking to myself that maybe this wasn’t a good idea; what if I couldn’t reproduce Belinda’s typical head pain? My state was heightened when there wasn’t a treatment plinth to be seen, but a colleague of Belinda’s announced that there was a sofa in the common room. What! I thought, then explained to the group that this was not ideal.’
‘No, this is not,’ agrees Watson’s colleague as he gulps more wine, trying to quell his nervous energy.
Triumph or Disaster?
Watson continues, ‘I could not withdraw my request; I had thrown down the gauntlet. The group followed Professor Sjaastad, Belinda and myself down two flights of stairs. Belinda hesitantly lay prone on the sofa, and I gently applied sustained pressure on C1; within 5 seconds, Belinda exclaimed...? “My god, that is my migraine pain!” I did some virtual fist pumps as animated Dutch and Norwegian discussions commenced.’
‘I’ll drink to that,’ as Watson’s colleague approaches the end of his wine and ushers the waiter away.
‘At this point, Professor Sjaastad approached me and asked me to push on his forearm to demonstrate how much pressure I had applied, which I duly did.’
‘Wow! All that must have been hard to digest’ appreciates Watson’s colleague.
When a ‘Hangover’ is Impressive
‘Yes, and there’s more,’ continues Watson. ‘The following day, when we met, Belinda reported to the group that the previous evening, she experienced her usual postdromal (hangover) symptoms as if she had experienced a migrainous episode, all from temporary reproduction of her typical head pain. This appeared to impress the group even more.’
‘That’s unreal,’ remarks Watson’s colleague.
The Invitation
‘What was even more unreal was that by the end of the week, I was assessing and treating some of Professor Sjaatad’s patients.? He then offered a PhD opportunity in Norway, which rendered me speechless,’ recalls Watson.
Watson's colleague splutters on his second glass, frantically reaching for his serviette. ‘But I understand this did not happen. Why?’ ?
‘As I recall, Professor Sjaastad explained that a PhD in Norway required fluent Norwegian, and we both laughed,’ a reminiscent Watson explains. ‘However, that week was a memorable, seminal week in my headache and migraine journey.? At Professor Sjaatad’s invitation, I joined the Cervicogenic Headache International Research Group.’
‘Did you meet again?’
‘Yes, twelve months later, my partner and I travelled to Sardinia, where Professor Sjaastad attended the 3rd European Headache Federation conference. He was kind enough to meet over a long breakfast’, recounts Watson.
Transformative Gratitude
‘That was an amazing ride. How do you remember Professor Sjaastad?’ Watson’s colleague then enquires reflectively.
‘My partner and I remember Professor Sjaastad as a kind, generous, warm person and a pioneer in the truest sense, prepared to consider all possibilities. He was a significant inspirational influence on my personal and professional journey.’
Watson’s colleague notices and points out that he hasn’t savoured the wine; Watson carefully swirls the wine and appreciates the bouquet before sipping... ??
* for the sake of anonymity, the name has been changed
Until next time
Dr Dean Watson PhD
Watson Headache? Institute
Email?[email protected]
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