A Giant Leap Toward a Total Health Ecosystem
I’ve always felt strongly that health care organizations should play a critical role in not just taking on medical care issues but think holistically about and address all factors that impact health and life like housing, food security, safety and more. These are issues central to our collective health, and organizations such as Kaiser Permanente understand the impact they have on our communities.
We also know that Americans strongly agree with this vision. Yesterday, we announced the results of a survey focused on these social needs and their relationship with our health. The findings reinforce our commitment to bring together unique partnerships and lead on a range of such issues. It found that Americans view social needs – having safe and stable housing, reliable transportation, and more – as an integral part of health and that they want medical providers to ask about them and to connect them to resources.
It also found that across socioeconomic groups, unmet social needs weigh heavily on Americans’ physical and mental health. More than one third of Americans surveyed experience stress related to social needs, and one in four reported having had an unmet social need that was a barrier to health in the past year.
As part of making good on this expectation we’re very excited to have announced that we are building a network of community-based organizations and public agencies and deploying a social health network to address the unmet social needs of everyone throughout our communities. We call it Thrive Local.
The idea of Thrive Local is to connect patients to organizations that can address socioeconomic needs and help ensure that social care gaps are closed. It includes three main elements. First, an online resource directory that provides up-to-date and searchable information on a wide range of social services and public benefits, along with eligibility information, hours of operation and other key pieces of information. Second, geographic community partner networks including Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and public agencies that health care providers can refer to. And critically, a technology platform allowing for two-way, closed-loop referrals and integration into electronic health record systems and CBOs’ client management systems.
By focusing on clinical services and supporting social health we think we will make lasting health improvements for our members and our communities. To make Thrive Local a reality, we partnered with Unite Us, a technology company that will provide the software that connects health care organizations with social service providers and builds the community care networks. We will initially roll out Thrive Local this summer in our Northwest region, which includes Oregon and southwest Washington.
Thrive Local will be geared towards benefiting the entire community. Through our arrangement with Unite Us, all community-based agencies and community health centers will be able to participate on the platform for free, without incurring any licensing fees. The platform will also be open to other health systems and health plans. The more that join, the lower the costs will be for all. The goal is to create community-owned systems.
In addition to helping to identify and close social care gaps for individuals, these systems will provide high quality, population-level data on unmet social needs. Community stakeholders will be able to use that data to design programs, make investment decisions and advocate for policy solutions to address the conditions that give rise to unmet social needs.
Our ultimate goal is to help everyone in our communities extend their healthy life years, and we can only make good on such an ambitious goal by addressing all of the determinants of health.
Student at Grand Canyon University
4 年Great article, housing and food security is not only a problem for populations experiencing low or no income, it is especially devastating for our elderly who want to remain in their home.
Helping you create passive income to leave the 9-5 grind - Loving My Side Hustle, Author
5 年Dear Mr. Tyson,? Sounds like a great goal thank you. I can see you know the value of a holistic approach to healthcare. As a long time member I can tell you that my experience with Kaiser Permanente is that of a Sickness Maintenance Organization.? There's little to no conversation with doctors of the potential causes of my illness nor proactive steps to reverse it or reduce the symptoms. Instead it's a series of getting more and more pills or injections each of which carries with it its own risk of side effects some it seems worse than the reason I came in for help to begin with.? But I'm told its all to keep things from getting worse. And you're using the most well tested pharmaceuticals. But this is to the exclusion of other holistic treatments that could help like meditation, acupuncture, massage and switching to a mostly plant based diet.?? I had to ask to see a nutritionist, one wasn't recommended to me. I had to ask to see a behavioral health provider for stress.? And they only use CBT as a healing modality when there's so many others that might work better for an individual like NLP, hypnotherapy and others. I had to stumble on the wellness courses in the basement by accident rather than having them recommended to me by my physician or by email.? I get asked how "do you smoke, do you drink, do you exercise?" but there's never any followup or suggestions or referrals based on my answers that might indicate one would be helpful.? And instead of asking what I eat every day something that's important to my health I am asked to go over my meds each and every visit to inform them which I'm still taking and it seems they never update the list with my answers. I do not want to seem like I'm complaining so much, but I just wished Kaiser could help me get better and not just just give me tests and pills to try to keep me from getting worse.? Thank you. I know you're all trying and you mean well. Joseph?
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5 年Good luck hope it works bringing care care teams together from health unity into off-site centers.
Administrator, Nova Scotia Health Authority
5 年I listened to a senior exec from Kaiser last week and they are so totally into this.
5 年As a Kaiser member since 1979, I am intrigued by your well written & thoughtful article. Thrive has been integral in my well being & I am very fortunate to have stellar health insurance from my employer that continued after retirement! However, if not, I would be sunk! I hear from other resources that mental health is an issue due to inadequate resources. Could some services be contracted out? As to Pharma,it is all about big business lining their pockets with unnecessary sky rocketing costs passed on to consumers! When does it stop? So many Americans are at medical risk because it is the difference in putting food on the table or a medicine! What can you do to helm the movement???