A Ghostwriter/Editor By Any Other Name...
Winnie Czulinski
Writer ~ Journalist ~ Ghostwriter ~ Editor -> Publishing-PR Pro -> Bringing Your Stories to Life!
You want help with your book – someone who can think like you, write like you (but maybe 'better'!) and is both loving and professional-impartial.
Do you need a ghostwriter, editor, or other helper?
It's a big decision. Perhaps the following can help you decide. Maybe you need a:
1) CATCHER: Someone to interview you, and "capture" you (on recorder) with expertise and understanding. A story-catcher, -holder and -maker - and perhaps a weaver. Alternative method: you can record yourself, and give the files to your helper to transcribe.
I also believe this term, story-catcher, accurately reflects what ghostwriting often is: the client has the story within, wants desperately to get it out, and needs a good receiver.
2) COACH: Writing can be physical! You may want someone who regards doing a book as doing a months-long triathlon, and will keep you pumped, primed and practicing all the way. As one client has said to me, "I may need you to kick me in the asterisk alot."
Whether or not you the client are actually Olympically-scored, is up to you both. The sheer feeling of achievement may be enough.
3) CO-WRITER: You and a friend/colleague may feel equally pumped and inspired to do a certain kind of book, together. A simple biz plan can help you divvy up work and credit...but think about getting a bit of legal advice for a contract, and this potentially-sticky situation. Be sure you have a good open relationship,and some deep-dive talks.
4) EDITOR/COPY EDITOR: You have the goods, and want it refined by a pro who can un-split your infinitives, and help with consistency, continuity, credibility, commas and overall readability. Editing might be anything from basic grammar/typos stuff to actual rewriting/structuring, and its extreme phase could well be more like "ghostwriter." And in fact, "editing" can cover many things, including ongoing consultation.
5) ARCHITECT/REBUILDER: You have umpteen pages of random/ordered notes, with more to do. The architect can help you plan and build; the rebuilder can help re-arrange those bricks – the words and parts of your story – and work with a newer structure. For some reason, I think of the TV show Love It Or List It – about a couple trying to make the decision, with experts, to renovate the family home or find a new home entirely.
6) ALCHEMIST: Info is accurate, storyline makes sense – but it needs spark and sizzle. It may take an outsider to get in to light up your manuscript – or to help you create the magic. You'll probably feel it when it's gold – whether or not it's going to make you money. A sample from your editor could be really important here. You need to know if that person's pen/mouse is also a bit of a magic wand.
7) LINGUIST: English is not your first language, but the market you want is. Hence, a pro to make things awesomely Anglo, while retaining your native charm and authentic voice. And, of course, this goes for any other language.
Interestingly, when working with some clients, I may find myself doing a double-take – when their 'mistake' or incorrect word has such a potency, power and freshness. In places, let it be. It's all about a good, readable, memorable balance.
8) TEACHER, TUTOR, GUIDE: You have the book in you, but want to get it out yourself...with some lessons, nagging, examples, Track Changes marks and mantras. It's about finding the right "fit," whether with a stern master/mistress, a New Age spirit guide or something in-between. When I've been a tutor-guide, it's usually with a combo of email, phone, video (though it may be easier to talk without staring at each other) and occasionally in-person.
9) MENTOR: Someone who's been there, or at least knows the general terrain of writing and publishing, and has lots to inspire, entertain and inform you with. You might simply, for now, want to absorb some of their experiences and wisdom. BTW, good mentors also learn from their protégés. I certainly do!
And all of us, at times, may well be mentor or protégé. A role often is a relative thing...and possibly this very subject is developing into a book or article idea!
10) PSYCHIC: The kind of person who may be able to tell you if your book will bring you amazing ROI and royalties, and biz/world fame. There may be such people out there.
But constant, creative, targeted promo and marketing also help work magic! Or...maybe what you really need is a bit of all the above :) Happy to answer a few questions!