Ghosts of Projects Past: Spooky Challenges BCL has Conquered Over the Years
BCL Enterprise
3rd Gen Women-Owned Tech/Security Design-Build Services: Bridging the Gap Between Technology, Construction & Owner Needs
BCL recently faced a spooky challenge on a high-stakes boardroom project. Despite meticulous planning, including custom matching paint equipment, our team arrived on-site only to find the speakers were one color and the HDTV was another. Our project manager, Mike, quickly stepped in and coordinated with the Contractor to have the speakers painted to match the specifications. Because of this, we transformed a potential construction nightmare into a seamless solution that the client was promised.
Industry Information
Upcoming OSBA Capital Conference
BCL hopes to see you at the upcoming 2024 OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show! With over 350 exhibitors, this conference provides networking opportunities with educational organizations and service providers that will help you keep-pace with the continuously evolving landscape of Ohio’s public schools.
Design Highlight
The Ohio State University Newark | John + Mary Alford Center for Science + Technology
BCL provided the IT, wireless, AV, and Security Design for the new 40,000 SF Science and Technology Building on OSU’s Newark Campus. The building brings together multiple programs including Physical, and Biological Sciences, Nursing Technologies, Radiologic Sciences Technology, Surgical Technologies and Engineering. The building contains contiguous blocks of laboratories that promote teaching and clear connectivity that create opportunities for student collaboration.
Employee Spotlight