Ghosting and Quiet Quitting - Courtesy Challenge

Ghosting and Quiet Quitting - Courtesy Challenge

I continue to read about quiet quitting and have personally experienced more ‘ghosting’ than previous years from Business Professionals who I believed had more integrity and character. A reminder, the person you Ghost today, could be the person who you want to meet, hire, an introduction from or need tomorrow. The company manager you may have ‘quiet quit’ yesterday, may be the new manager of the company you would like to join tomorrow.

Has quiet quitting and ‘ghosting’ increased due to people not having a backbone, and trying to avoid confrontation? Is this another outcome from Covid? Have we got too busy to respond to the email or voicemail?

As a Society and for our own wellness I believe we need to move back to when people had common courtesy, and the dignity to respond to the person they had interviewed, agreed to meet, had email correspondence, have received a quote from, working for etc.

There is a lot of talk around work life balance and Wellness, yet why is there so little consideration given to the people you ghost and quiet quit from?! ?

There are many challenges in the world that are difficult to achieve. I would like to throw out challenge that everyone reading this article can get can achieve 100 %! For the next 30 Days don’t Ghost anyone and respond in a timely manner. If you are quiet quitting, it will more than likely hurt you in the long-term, think twice before contemplating it.

Treating others with respect, and dignity is Free.

Additional Courtesies to Implement In your Daily Life:

  1. Return voice messages within 24 hrs.
  2. Respond to ALL email requests within 24 hrs. (48 hrs. max)
  3. When Receiving Group Email do not respond ALL when not necessary.
  4. Respond to all invitations prior to the RSVP date (even if not going). If you say attending and then cannot, let the host(s) know asap do not just be a no show. (Hosts put time in putting events together and have invited you for a reason. Have the courtesy to respond)
  5. Say thank you and please (if you have children teach them early of benefits of showing respect)
  6. If you are on vacation, have an out of office message on your voicemail and email.
  7. Do not have your phone 'out' while having a conversation (definitely no texting)
  8. Turn off your phone ‘ringer’ when in meetings.
  9. Be on time to your meetings (aim to be 10 minutes early)
  10. If you are running late (sometimes unavoidable), let whomever you are meeting know.
  11. If you have someone coming to your office, and your current appointment?is running long let your next appointment know (e.g. would it not be nice if your doctor's office called/ text you to let you know they are running late and please come 30 min later) Treat everyone's time with respect.
  12. Check your emails for spelling errors prior to sending (been guilty)
  13. If you say you are going, get 'something' done by a certain date or time make sure it gets done. If you cannot complete by promised day/time to let the person who is expecting the 'something' know. (under-promise over-deliver)
  14. Respect people's time
  15. Do not 'ghost'. Have the courtesy of getting back to the person you have been in conversation with.

I am sure you have many additional courtesies that you miss. What is important to you to?you? Please feel free to add in comments.


Why Quiet Quitting Can Harm Your Career Growth: Top 5 Negative Consequences and Pro-Active Steps to Take



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