

I rarely post on LinkedIn, but today is a special day.?Our daughter, 18 at the time, was run over while crossing a street, by a person under the influence.?At the time, she was a bright young girl working towards her degree becoming a paralegal and then perhaps on to being a lawyer one day. She unfortunately sustained both serious physical and neurotrauma which resulted in years of pain, therapy, and loss of certain skills, in particular her artistic abilities.?However, with time, patience and healing, she got married to a wonderful guy, is back working for a law firm and also #Thankful that she got her art skills back. #Grateful to G-d.?Recently her “Ghosties” art has gone #viral on Instagram @ellesghosties . People have asked for merch and the new store is open today:?

?We are proud of you! Love you Jo Jo!!!??


