Ghana’s economy at risk: Urgent measures needed to tackle current challenges – Roger T.D Wills
Roger Wills BA, BA, ACCE, CEPA, Msc
On a mission to help leaders thrive-Research Economists // Policy Analyst // Business Intelligence And Data Analyst // Youth Leader
Ghana’s economy is on a perilous road, facing various issues that, if not addressed quickly and efficiently, might lead to catastrophic economic downturns.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have both issued warnings about the country’s economic vulnerabilities, emphasising the importance of immediate and comprehensive steps to stabilise and revitalise the economy (IMF, 2023; World Bank, 2023).
The current economic challenges are the outcome of high inflation and interest rates. Ghana has been dealing with high inflation rates, which have reduced purchasing power and raised the cost of life. In April 2023, the Ghana Statistical Service reported an inflation rate of 42%, which was one of the highest in Africa. High inflation has compelled the Bank of Ghana to keep interest rates elevated, which, while intended to contain inflation, have hindered investment and economic growth (Bank of Ghana, 2023).
With regards to The Currency Depreciation, The Ghana cedi has been losing value against major international currencies, raising import prices and increasing inflation. This depreciation is partially owing to enormous budget deficits and excessive levels of state debt, which have damaged investor confidence.
Ghana’s public debt-to-GDP ratio has reached 80%, prompting questions about its sustainability. Servicing this debt has become increasingly difficult, consuming a major amount of government earnings and reducing fiscal headroom for development programmes and social spending (IMF, 2023).
Putting Economic Theories and Policy Recommendations in to consideration;
Monetary Policy: The Quantity Theory of Money states that controlling the money supply is critical to managing inflation (Friedman, 1968). The Bank of Ghana must strike a fine balance between tightening monetary policy to combat inflation and keeping interest rates from stifling economic growth. Policies that target key inflation drivers, such as food and fuel prices, while also encouraging output and investment, are critical.
Fiscal Policy: According to Keynesian economic theory, higher government expenditure during economic downturns stimulates demand. However, given Ghana’s high debt levels, fiscal caution is necessary. The government should prioritise investments in infrastructure and human capital to stimulate long-term growth, as well as improve tax collection and reduce wasteful spending.
Exchange Rate Management: A managed floating exchange rate system can help to stabilise the cedi. By intervening in the foreign exchange market to smooth out volatility, the Bank of Ghana can maintain a more stable exchange rate, boosting investor confidence and lowering imported inflation.
Making a Comparative Analysis with Other Countries
Zimbabwe: Ghana’s current economic trajectory is comparable to Zimbabwe’s in the early 2000s. Zimbabwe experienced a serious economic crisis due to hyperinflation, currency collapse, and mismanagement. Lessons from Zimbabwe emphasise the significance of fiscal discipline, efficient monetary policy, and strong institutions in avoiding similar errors.
Greece: Greece’s debt crisis in the early 2010s is another relevant example. Excessive borrowing and economic mismanagement triggered a sovereign debt crisis, necessitating international bailouts and stringent austerity policies. Ghana might benefit from Greece’s experience by enacting changes that improve fiscal transparency, debt management, and economic resilience (Arghyrou and Tsoukalas, 2010).
Ghana is at a critical juncture. Without strong and well-coordinated actions to handle excessive inflation, currency devaluation, and mounting public debt, the economy faces a catastrophic recession. Ghana can overcome its current obstacles and chart a route for long-term economic growth by implementing smart monetary and fiscal policies, properly regulating the exchange rate, and learning from the experiences of nations such as Zimbabwe and Greece.