Ghana Nuclear Energy Updates 2020

Ghana Nuclear Energy Updates 2020

Ghana’s Nuclear power agenda dates back in 1963 when the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission was established with the launch of a 2MW research reactor. However the decision was suspended till 2008 when a Cabinet decision was taken to include nuclear in the electricity generation mix.

Electricity for Ghana’s development since independence was planned to come from 2 major sources, hydro and nuclear (with other sources planned to support). The foundational groundbreaking infrastructure for both sources were only 3 years. apart (Akosombo dam, 1961; Kwabenya reactor project, 1964). In 2007, a presidential committee was established (in 2007) to advise on the feasibility of introducing nuclear power into the country’s energy mix, The committee recommended to the government to pursue nuclear power inclusion in the energy mix. Therefore in 2008, the cabinet took the decision to add nuclear power to the energy mix following that nuclear power was included in national energy policy in 2010. While in 2012, both a nuclear Power Unit was established at the Ministry of Energy as well as the establishment of Ghana’s Nuclear Energy Programme Implementation Organisation (NEPIO). 

Three key organisations has been established to accompany the implementation of the nuclear power programme: 

  • GNPPO as coordination and oversight body 
  • NRA as the regulatory body 
  • NPG as the owner/operator organisation

Ghana Nuclear Power Programme Organisation (GNPPO) which is incorporated into government agency to act as national coordinator aim to provide a framework for the implementation of nuclear power and to guide the government in the deployment of nuclear energy as part of the effort towards the development of sustainable energy for Ghana and for sub-Saharan Africa. Its main objectives are to:

  • Prepare for the development of manpower and promote plans for the introduction of nuclear energy for electricity in the country
  • Develop a structured stakeholder engagement/involvement plan to seek public understanding and support for the nuclear power programme
  • Take steps in ratifying various international treaties and conventions regarding the development and use of nuclear energy
  • Prepare the necessary national standards, guides and regulations regarding the use of nuclear energy
  • Continue to demonstrate commitment to ensuring the sustenance of the laws covering security, safeguard and safety
  • Adopt and adapt the knowledge of nuclear energy technology in suitable sectors of the national development
  • Orient the national development policies to include the adoption, use, and advancement of nuclear technology especially in the sectors like education, energy, environmental, exploration and mining, and industries
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Ghana has acceded to all 12 mandatory international legal instruments for nuclear power infrastructure development. the Phase 1 and Milestone 1 are completed: 

  • Technical considerations for all 19 infrastructures addressed 
  • Programme Comprehensive Report (PCR) submitted to Government

A preliminary grid assessment for integration of a nuclear power plant by 2030 conducted with cost estimates for upgrades/reinforcement. Nuclear reactor technology assessed for both large reactors and SMRs. 

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All the technologies list in the table are also cooperating at various levels with other countries in Africa. Mostly Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa. 

For both large reactors and SMRs key requirements include:

  • GIII technology or higher or evolutionary technology
  • High safety standards with passive safety features
  • Enhanced protection against external hazards
  • Grid compatibility
  • Deployable in our timeframe as Nth of a kind (more preferred)
  • Competitive tariff to off-taker to support industrialization
  • Appropriately designed to withstand earthquakes and other external events higher than local conditions

Finally, financial agreement should be tied to technology, and should make electricity production cheaper. All BOO, BOT and EPC+Finance are options on the table for Ghana to explore.

In conclusion, since 2008, all governments in power have shown maximum support and cooperation towards the implementation of nuclear power. Nuclear is benefiting of bi-partisan support in Ghana as nuclear agenda is a top priority for all successive governments

towards industrialization. The timely implementation of this policy and quickly identifying an experience vendor, will go a long way to fulfil the country’s quest to provide secure, reliable and clean energy for sustainable national development as well as achieve the vision of being a net exporter of electricity to the sub-region.

The insights provided above are taken from the discussion between Ghana’s main nuclear agencies following NBP conversation: Ghana on 13 August 2020, This virtual meeting has been a great opportunity to showcase Ghana latest nuclear updates and interact with the global industry. The webinar saw the participation of: 

  • Mr. Wisdom Ahiataku-Togobo, Director, Renewable & Alternative Energies, Ministry of Energy
  • Prof. Benjamin Nyarko, Director-General, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission
  • Dr. Robert Sogbadji, Coordinator, Ghana Nuclear Power Programme, Ministry of Energy
  • Mr. Fred Oware, CEO, Bui Power Authority
  • Dr. Stephen Yamoah, Acting Executive Director, Nuclear Power Ghana
  • Mr. Scott Rasmussen, Director of Sales, NuScale Power
  • Mr. Vincent Zabielski, Senior Lawyer, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
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NBP Conversations is a series of discussions held online which brings together a focus group of global nuclear stakeholders to discuss topics related to nuclear energy adoption in the emerging markets. The discussions will focus on a specific country or technology/services solution. NBP conversations will continue this month with Ethiopia/Uganda (20 August) then Nigeria (27 August). After that we are planning to held NBP conversation about different locations in The Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. For more information contact [email protected]


