GFRP rebars and related products
We STALLIONCO introduce ourselves as the Channel partners of
M/s AP Technologies, manufacturers of FRP rebars Located in Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
FRP Rebar is a lightweight spiral-wrapped fiberglass rod manufactured using glass, carbon, aramid, or basalt along with resin. It is a non-corrosive alternative to steel, developed for concrete reinforcement applications. Corrosion of steel is one of the main deterioration mechanisms that significantly degrades traditionally reinforced concrete elements leading to a reduced service-life of infrastructure components. Improved durability of concrete structures is becoming more important for many civil applications, noncorrosive materials such as fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcing bars (rebars) — in substitution of steel — are a viable option.
A P Technologies is a young emerging company involved in the production & supply of fiber-reinforced polymer Rebars for high-end applications in the global construction field. This company has started by keeping the vision of transforming the world's lives by empowering innovation in technical textiles. Keeping the broad mission through robust investment, this company has kept a goal of meeting the challenges of changing customer needs & applications in 21st-century world.
Again due to its higher mechanical properties we
can use a lesser diameter of GFRP Rebar compared to
steel rebars.
High-quality corrosion-resistant Epoxy or vinyl ester resin that increases the lifespan of a concrete structure.
GFRP rebar is ? the weight of steel with 2x the tensile strength of steel.
Non-conductive to electricity and heat making it an ideal choice for facilities like power generation plants and scientific installations.
Invulnerable to chloride ions and other chemical elements.
It can be manufactured in custom lengths, bends, and shapes. GFRP rebar bends can only be made under controlled conditions in the factory.
The installation process of GFRP rebar is very convenient coupled with its property of being easy to cut and machined.
A project reinforced with GFRP rebar is maintenance-free, enabling builders to avoid rehabilitation costs.
It gives 3 times more line meters of length in the same weight compared to traditional steel. So per Meter cost of these rebars is almost the same as for the traditional steel rebars.
Again due to its higher mechanical properties, we can use a lesser diameter of GFRP Rebar compared to steel rebars.
Also GFRP Rebars as cost-effective as it give a concrete structure long lifespan without major maintenance.
Reduction in transportation costs is also one of the major economic advantages over steel rebars.
These are round sand-coated rods made of carbon/glass/basalt fibre or a hybrid combination of them. This is a high-end application product used in the area of applications like long cantilever bridges without columns, long mountain tunnels at extreme heights, deep marine structures, defense combat structures, etc. These products can be made against orders at customized specifications.
Thanking you and assuring you of the best services at all times.
Yours Truly
For Stallionco
Shivkumar Srinivasan
+91 981 987 0 987
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