GFC2022 CALL - Bauhaus - The total Work of Art
Isabel Cantista
Dean School of Economics and Business Studies University Lusíada (campus Porto and campus Famalic?o) - Founder GFC - Global Fashion Conference
Bauhaus movement had its origins in Germany. It was founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius and gave rise to the first Design School in the world. In the words of Petra Leutner from AMD “At the centre of Bauhaus aesthetics were functionalism, abstraction, and the realisation of the “Gesamtkunstwerk” (total work of art). The Bauhaus aesthetic thus decisively shaped the development of art and design in the 20th century”. Women at Bauhaus were confined to a place, the textile workshop, even if what they aimed at was to be recognized as artists. The irony is that they managed to create expressions of the total work of Art that even now, as more than one hundred years have passed since the beginning of the Bauhaus movement, inspiring Art and Design, and particularly Fashion, in many different ways.
As Petra Leutner explains “Architecture and fashion have some important and interesting similarities. First of all, they create three-dimensional objects, pieces of applied arts, and both have to deal with the human body in a fundamental way. The extensions and needs of living subjects set the direction, and obviously, in the field of these arts, the relation to the body is part of any appropriate esthetic evaluation.”
The contemporary importance of the Bauhaus movement was acknowledged by the European Union and led to the European initiative of the New European Bauhaus.
GFC2022 invites researchers and innovative companies to present their works under the forms of video, photography, workshop, testimonial and research paper exploring this and other topics related to Ethics and Aesthetics. Call deadline: 31st of May.
#GFC2022 #FashionEthics #FashionAesthetics #FashionInnovation #FashionSustainability #Bauhaus