Poland Textiles, Fashion and Sustainability
Isabel Cantista
Dean School of Economics and Business Studies University Lusíada (campus Porto and campus Famalic?o) - Founder GFC - Global Fashion Conference
In this year of challenges, we invite you to join the online Global Fashion Conference from Warsaw, Poland, a country where Fashion has reflected political, economic, and social changes in very striking ways.
Many investors saw in Poland the potential of centuries of its textile, clothing, and footwear tradition. This openness also coincided with the emergence of social and environmental concerns, which led to the drafting of Agenda 21 and subsequently, in 2015, the prioritization of sustainable development targets for 2030.
Share your research on this topic. Deadline: 31st May. Templates and more information available at the Global Fashion Conference website.
#gfc2021 #Tradition #FashionIndustry #FashionInnovation #FashionSustain #Poland #Agenda21
@gfc2021 @Tradition @FashionIndustry @FashionInnovation @FashionSustain @Poland @Agenda21