Getting Yourself Out there...
I hear this a lot from entrepreneurs who want to improve their visibility: I really need a strong marketing plan.
When I ask, what do you want to achieve with that plan?
The responses are usually excited and passionate.
I want bigger jobs!
I want to get myself out there!
I want better clients!
I start by getting specific about what bigger, out there and better actually mean? You can’t measure success without milestones.
Once we dig into the truth of the answers and start creating a plan, it gets tricky.
What many are really asking me for is a plan that’s not going to require them to do what it takes to get bigger jobs, get themselves out there, and get better clients. They want a plan that doesn’t require growth or expansion or anything unfamiliar. In other words, they want a plan that won’t work because they’ve dug in their heels about what they won’t do.
Newsletters don’t work. I did a newsletter a couple of times and it didn’t work.
I don’t have time to do social media.
I know this job is smaller than my minimum, and is taking up a lot of time, but I’m going to get really great pictures and maybe referrals.
This client is really draining me but I can manage them.
What’s reading that book going to do? I don’t have time to read.
I want to write a book some day, I’ll do the writing and social media stuff then.
I’m too busy.
Busy is one of the most common excuses that falls into a special category of resistance that comes with growth. Resistance is sludge, which means it often takes a shock of truth to get you back in flow. But that old saying about the truth was right: it hurts. Depending on how resistant you are while you’re making changes, you may find yourself in shock, often.
Yup, you are definitely busy, except when it comes to all the other people you take care of, then you’ll easily make time. A plan may look pretty on paper but it’s only as effective as the person it’s handed to. All the coaxing, nudging and positive encouragement in the world won’t work until you commit to do what it really takes.
If you keep telling yourself the story of how you don’t have time, or money (they’re the same underlying belief system BTW) to invest in a future vision …
If you don’t decide to manage your calendar..
If you choose to add jobs that aren’t a fit to your roster…
If you don’t plan your marketing intentionally…
If you don’t hire the right people to support you...
No plan, no matter how thorough will help you.
Because the thing about plans is that they don’t unfold while you’re faking it.
Plans involve a lot of strategic action ones pursued over time.
Plans respond to the energy of forward momentum, even when they’re baby steps.
It’s kind of like saying that you want to lose 15 pounds eating cupcakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (I really wish that worked!)
What it means to market has changed dramatically in the last decade—heck in the last year—and it will change again. And guess what? If you’re looking for shortcuts, it won't serve you during the long haul of growth.
Because a real marketing plan is about being authentic. It’s about true communication and building relationships and that takes time.
Ready to make some ?
Kim Kuhteubl is the founder of Me By Design, an Idea Boutique and Visibility Incubator for Creative Entrepreneurs. She's helped her international clientele develop their vision, voice, platform and legacy and get featured in leading shelter publications, digital outlets, and on television across North America and internationally. Take a her FREE VISIBILITY ASSESSMENT. ?