Getting Your Child Ready for School in the Age of COVID-19
Going back to school this September is going be an experience like none other. Instead of focusing on back to school shopping parents are figuring out which days their child is on-site and which days they are learning remotely from home. Terms like "hybrid learning", "asynchronous" and "synchronous" have made their way into our everyday lexicon but nothing compares to stress of balancing your child's health and the need for the social and academic enrichment that schools provide. Here are some tips to help families whether your child is going back to school five days a week, in a hybrid model or even fully remote.
- Create a Schedule and Stick to It- Routines are important for children and young people. If your child is learning remotely they still need to have regular bedtimes and morning rituals. Many adults who worked remotely during the pandemic have discovered that getting dressed helped them to feel more productive and ready to work. So tell your child to skip the pajamas, find a workspace outside of the bedroom, if possible, and signal that school work needs their full attention,
- Establish Meal-time- So about those routines, they are just as important when it comes to eating. Watch out for excessive snacking; carve out breakfast and lunch time for your child and encourage them to clear the workspace of all other food when it is time to engage in learning.
- Stretch breaks - Students may not have the stamina at first to sit in front of a computer for long periods at a time. A popular retort is, "Well, they can stay on Snap Chat or Fortnight for hours on end." I know this may be true but online learning is not the same. Some online classes might be passive, some might require your child to focus on things they are not as interested in and some students may struggle with reading and responding in a virtual class with less teacher support than they are accustomed to. If your child is asking for a break, consider giving it to them. Monitor how long they can work independently before disengaging. Work on building up to more independent learning on the computer as time goes on before granting a break. An even better strategy is to schedule breaks in the learning day and let your child know when those breaks are.
- Stay Physical - Whether you have a large backyard, a small porch or common space outside; get out and move something. Exercise helps to relieve stress, promote positive mental health and establish life-long habits of staying fit. In other words, physical education is not just kids' play, it is a vital part of your child's education. Your child's physical education teacher should provide instruction on age appropriate exercises; don't just skip it. If a parent or guardian can participate in stretching exercises, jumping in place or taking discovery walks with your child, that would be excellent. Make this a part of the school day that everyone can participate in.
- Be Intentional about Social Networks- The hardest thing about the pandemic is the lost opportunities for socialization. Even if your child has siblings it is still important that they meet with people outside of their family networks. See if your child's school has virtual clubs and activities that your child can take participate in. Your child's guidance counselor is a key resource for both you and your child so make sure you stay connected. You can also check out your local library. Are their small group meet-ups? Virtual tournaments? Community-based organizations like Girls, Inc., Urban League, Global Kids, and many others may also offer activities and events for children, so see what is happening in your area and join a listserv. Don't overlook service-based organizations which may be looking for young helpers to help their cause.
- Stay Connected to Your Child's School - Just because your child is learning remotely doesn't mean that your family is no longer a part of the school community. Your child still has rights to what the school has to offer and as a parent or guardian you still have some key responsibilities as it relates to school. You have to reach out to the school and inform them if there are issues preventing your child from completing assignments, like sickness, death in the family or other disruptions. Make sure the school has your most current contact information and if there is a parent portal or electronic message board hosted by your child's school, make sure you sign up. You don't want to miss out on valuable information about resources or key events at your child's school. Find out how your child's teachers prefer to communicate with families and use that method to share information about your child's progress.
Perhaps the most important advice I can give to families right now is to be patient; with your child's school, with your child and with yourself. This is hard work and brand new for everyone. There will be mistakes along the way but if you remain flexible and open to the experience, your child can still have an amazing school year.
by Monique Darrisaw-Akil, Ed. D., Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Programs and Policy, Brentwood Union Free School District