Getting your business IT ready for GDPR
Andrew James
SHIELD: We only provide Cybersecurity, So Your IT Provider Can Focus on Support and Maintenance. We Find, Detect, Report!
What makes soVision IT different from other IT providers?
Our clients benefit from services that take the headache out of their IT. We have been providing this service for over 30 years to schools, businesses and government agencies. Our services include:
· IT Managed Services
· Cloud & Hosting
· Connectivity & Broadband
· Design & Development
What risks do businesses face in 2018?
The biggest risks businesses face come from cyber hacking, ICO fines from breaching GDPR and loss of productivity following systems failure. Without the right protection in place such as Cyber essentials certification and robust layers of protection the financial impact to businesses could be catastroph
How can I get my business ready for GDPR
You can get your business ready for GDPR by ensuring your systems are protected from hacking, identifying how to find and remove client data from your systems, robust backups and cleansing old data. All laptops, and data held on portable devices should be encrypted in case they are lost or stolen. GDPR isn’t just the right to be removed from marking list but how you use, process and store your customer data. We recommend that you review your procedures and enroll your business through Cyber Essentials this will cover 80% what your business needs to cover for compliance.
Businesses have to be ready for GDPR by the 25th May 2018.
How can businesses increase their reliability?
soVision IT believe that reliability comes from the correct investment ensuring a stable infrastructure. We follow industry best practice, using the latest technology whilst making sure our engineers are qualified to support the solutions we deploy and manage.
Getting ready for GDPR doesn't need to be complex just ask your IT provider to help you.
Commercial Director, soVision IT
Tel: 0117 986 4026
Email: [email protected]