Getting Young Clinicians Up to Speed on Co-Occurring Disorders
Gina (Meyer) Hardiman
Dedicated to enabling leadership and organizations achieve their goals and vision, to create improved quality of life and inspire others to do the same.
Join us on Monday, August 20th for Getting Young Clinicians Up to Speed on Co-Occurring Disorders, Presented by CeDAR
This session will seek to identify challenges licensed professionals face when providing training experiences for young clinicians working with co-occurring disorders. Specific case examples dealing with challenging differential diagnoses, boundary issues unique to co-occurring disorders, and the experience of countertransference will all be presented and discussed. A framework for supervision, teaching and mentorship in this context will be introduced.
Breakfast with Dr. Claudia Black
Join Dr. Claudia Black—internationally renowned for her work with youth, families and addiction—and 9 of your lucky colleagues at NCAD for breakfast to speak with her about her new book, Unspoken Legacy: Addressing the Impact of Trauma and Addiction Within the Family (Central Recovery Press). Her latest book addresses how addiction develops in families and provides insight for families struggling with these issues. Dr. Black will be happy to sign her new book which can be purchased prior in the bookstore. Use code CLAUDIA10 when registering. (New registrants only).
Learn more by attending the 2018 National Conference on Alcohol and Addiction Disorders, August 19 – 22, 2018, in Disneyland, CA!