Getting the 'Yes'
Have you ever wanted to attend a training course to gain additional knowledge but were met with a resounding no? Or have you been reluctant to ask because you assume the decision maker will not be on board with your request? Don’t give up so easy, here are some tips that can get you the “yes” you are looking for.
- Be fully convinced yourself that you need the training and education. This is no different than being unable to sell something you do not believe in. If you are not 100% convinced of your own value or the benefits of your growth, how can you convince the decision maker?
- Show the decision maker the long term benefit of the training you are requesting. What is the ROI? What can you bring back to the job and share with others in the department?
- Put your salesperson cap on. What are some of the key selling points that will get the decision makers attention? Sell them your vision!
- Don’t be afraid to negotiate. If the budget doesn’t allow the full cost of the training to be covered, offer to pay for some. Offer to use vacation time to take off to attend the training. Do research on other company’s training plans/budgets to show how the lack of training can put your company further back in line.
These are just a few possible options however one key point is to remember everyone is a salesperson whether you realize it or not. Sell your skills, your goals, your visions. Get your company to invest in your growth!