Getting into the writing habit
The beginning of a journey
I have been working on my writing habit with a daily goal to put “pen to paper”.
Why am I doing this?
I was looking for another creative outlet, to deepen my own ideas, share those ideas and engage others. There is nothing quite the same as externalizing your thoughts. I have always been someone who kept a notebook and I realized some of the benefits of writing through those notes and sketches. Writing for others however is different. It brings a need for another level of clarity and really helps to hone your writing craft. I am learning quickly that writing is a journey not a destination and that is why I am investing in a daily habit.
Writing and sharing have amazing benefits. I am clarifying my own ideas and am able to engage others. I am sharing my writing in my work with my team, colleagues and company on our internal social sites. I am also sharing here on LinkedIn and other places on the web. The experience has been good so far and I am really looking forward to it continuing to progress.
In the beginning
I was not a writer, so how did I get started? I wrote a few posts around the 500 word mark but then I didn’t post for months. Why? It wasn’t a habit. I wanted to write but other things got in the way.
What is working now?
Much like my workflow in other areas I am now managing a pipeline of new ideas and moving forward with several articles at the same time. This allows me to engage myself in a natural way and to never lose an early idea as I know it is safe in my pipeline. I also bought a small ChromeBook and am writing on my commute each morning and evening if I can get a seat. The simplicity of the ChromeBook, especially offline, has helped to remove distractions. The compact light little computer has become my most used piece of technology after my phone. Easy to have around and quick to open and work for 20 or 30 minutes or even to jot down a quick idea in 2 minutes.
The power of habit is helpful. I have purposely invested in a daily ritual with reminders to ensure I am building a default of writing each day. Starting with different topics allows me to combat “writer’s block” and to ensure I always have something to get on paper. It is now an activity that I enjoy and something that I don’t have to think about but do automatically.
What’s next?
There are several areas I am focusing on over the next white. I would like to organize my themes as I tend to write about a cross-section of topics which are related for me but may not be for others. The core of my journey is about improving the quality of my writing and will be continuing to work on that myself, by engaging others and looking at various tools. Finally I will be looking for way to grow engagement as the connecting with others is part of the core purpose of my writing exercise.
This has become a very enjoyable experience! I am really getting into improving my writing craft which is something I did not think I would be saying only a year ago. Getting your thoughts out into words on a page is an amazing experience. Give it a try you may be amazed with how you take to it. I would love to hear your own experiences as well!