Getting the work you want from creative partners
Once you’ve found a creative partner who you want to work with, how can you ensure they’ll bring you the solution you hope to see?
Know what you’re after. “I’ll know what I want when I see it” isn’t direction … it’s a challenge to see if the partner is capable of reading minds. If you can’t share a strong sense of what you hope to see, you won’t see it.
Be specific and detailed. Don’t assume the partner has a complete grasp of your expectations. Share those in a document.
Direct, don’t dictate. Tell the partner what needs to be done but avoid telling them exactly how they should do it.
Fulfill your own promises. When a project requires two weeks of work, and you’re a week late in providing the information, you can’t expect the partner to hit the original due date.
Monitor the scope. If the creative partner based their cost estimate on a 4-page project, but now it’s grown into a 12-page project, allow the partner to provide a revised estimate.
Be their guide. Make sure your partners understand who will have the authority to review and suggest changes to the work.
Plan for revisions. It would be nice if every first draft or layout was perfect, but that’s rarely the case. So expect that there will be revisions and include time for them to happen.
Give clear guidance. When you bring changes and corrections back, be specific and constructive. “I can’t put my finger on it but I don’t like it” forces the partner to guess.
Consider their opinion. Sometimes, a revision you suggest may not be in your best interests.
Evaluate the project. After the project is complete and being used, let them know how well (or how poorly) their work is meeting your objectives. They’ll be proud of successes and eager to tweak efforts that aren’t meeting the need.
Dynamic Communications & Marketing Director
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