Getting Up Off the Mat, Resilience and Success
Anthony Wysocki
Director | Office of Inspector General | U.S. DOT (Personal Account)
A little motivation to start the week.
What do flowers have to do with resilience???Symbolic in a way.? Having survived a long, bitter winter, every spring the annuals in this rocky area of my yard sprout anew, through the smallest cracks in stone and concrete. These tough annuals have perfected the ability to bounce back, year after year!
Ok, back to the work world where we've all experienced setbacks. Part of life, right? I hope this brief article provides some helpful tips to develop your resilience, a needed attribute for success and a topic that is particularly significant to me. As a career leader in the accountability community I view staying resilient and practicing a positive image for the future as my key responsibilities to my organization and the teams I lead and motivate. After all, in any profession, especially audit and oversight work, a key measure of success is strengthening and improving the organizations we review and setting a positive vision for brighter days ahead.
Various Definitions of Resilience
Dictionaries generally define resilience as an ability to recover from or adjust easily to adversity or change. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Executive Core Qualification “Leading Change” includes Resilience among its six competencies for this particular Executive Core Qualification.?OPM describes Resilience as:?Deals effectively with pressure; remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks.
Getting Up Off the Mat: How I've Developed Resilience
I believe resilience is similar to muscles in our body and as such can be developed and honed.?Over my career I have built and relied on this “muscle memory” to successfully weather professional challenges.?Some components of my resilience "toolkit" that you may find beneficial are outlined below.?I realize many of these sound easier said than done, trust me, I’ve had my share of trial and error.
I hope this article was helpful and am interested in learning your tips to develop resilience.?I look forward to your thoughts in the comments. Keep breaking through those rocks and challenges! Thanks in advance!