Getting Unstuck So You Can Crush Your Goals!
Gordon Tredgold Globally Ranked Leadership Expert
Global Gurus Top Leadership Expert, Coach and Speaker - "RESULTS BASED LEADERSHIP"
We're all capable of achieving of much more. Everyone of us has unconscious competences, things that we're good at, or could be good at but we just don't know about them and therefore don't try.
Or even worse we have untrue conscious incompetencies, these are false beliefs that hold us back and prevent us from even trying to do something because we either think we cannot do it, or that we will fail.
To get people from stuck to unstuck and making great progress against their goals, we have to help them see their competencies, make them conscious and dispel these fake conscious incompetencies.
In this interview with Noah, I talk about how I was stuck on sales, and by creating the right environment with the right approach, the right tools and the right beliefs, you can make amazing progress.
I also talk about how you can do this for yourself and also for your teams.
Thanks for listening, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts and views on this.
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My thoughts are this: I don't listen to podcasts, but when I do, I listen to Noah Goldman interviewing someone amazing - like Gordon Tredgold.