Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

“When you get stuck on the way up a mountain, it’s better to shift into reverse than to stand still.” -Adam Grant, Book ‘Hidden Potential’

I am not a fan of standing still and worse feeling stuck. Can you relate? I have discovered through experience, highlights and lowlights that sometimes there is a very good reason why you or your organization need to do a strategic reverse move instead of standing still.?

As I start the new year plan in execution mode here are 3 things I have done a ‘reverse shift’ to get unstuck:

1. Hindsight is 20/20?

I am back from my holidays, and among my restless emails was my optician’s annual email reminder requesting that I make an appointment for my annual check-up. This goes to the top of my list of things to do soonest. I want to make sure my eyesight is in good order and a check up will determine quality of sight relative to last year.?

This is the same approach I adopt before start of the new year. By looking closely at last year’s successes and challenges we are able to see what if any adjustments are necessary in our career, within our department, team or organization. Looking at where we are presently while looking back provides a unique vantage point. It might be that things need to remain the same or not. Either way, hindsight can prove to be 20/20 which is invaluable to decide how to move forward.?

2. Disconnect to Reconnect

I was 100% compliant in staying logged off. Yep. I did not log unto my laptop during the recent holidays. Full confession, this is the first time I have done that albeit I was able to use my iPhone to address urgent matters only. I returned rested, more engaged and with loads of ideas. So often we believe we are not staying current and therefore not effective because we are choosing to be offline. What I have discovered is that not being ‘in the know’ can actually speed up your performance and impact allowing you to make up for lost time.

3. Forge Forward, Calmly

Even if you have to start over again let’s choose to do it with a calm and confidently knowing if you ‘don’t win you learn’. So take what you gleaned looking back quickly but don’t stay there, move on. We all have so much to do, let’s crack on!


Lorene Phillips ACII, PCC, VMP的更多文章

