Getting A Tune-up for Your 
               Automobile Is Like...

Getting A Tune-up for Your Automobile Is Like...

Ever thought about what a tune-up for your automobile is and what it does for your “ride”? We do it because we want to drive a safe automobile, one that will last a long time.

First, they change the oil, top off the fluids like brake, windshield wiper, and automatic steering, and lubricate the joints. Many times, the mechanics will rotate the tires, balance and add the proper air pressure in each.

These steps are called routine maintenance to prevent the fine machine from breaking down unexpectedly. What a tune-up does for your “ride” is to keep it in tip top shape, giving it a longer life span. When you own an expensive, delicate machine, you do want to keep it in optimum order. You want your automobile’s performance to be fuel efficient, smooth running and safe to drive.

We get reminders from our dealer to have regular tune-ups just like the dentist sends notices for regular preventive checkups. I took my 2018 Yukon in for it’s last periodic maintenance and got all that done last month. It was all covered in the initial purchase price the first two years. What a great deal! I thought so, too. It trained me to value and get into the habit of regular checkups for my SUV. I really like the feeling of driving a safe, well-cared-for automobile. Doing this I figure my Yukon may last as long as I do!

Yesterday, I decided to get seven weeks of yellow pollen removed from my beloved Yukon. I had been stuck inside during the lock down and was finally freed by our fine Georgia governor, thankfully. I got the automobile detailed at Squeakey’s Carwash and it’s never looked better: washed, vacuumed inside, sprayed outside to remove bugs and pollen, waxed and polished. And you know what…I felt better driving home just knowing I was in a shiny, clean “ride”. Looking good just makes you feel better all over.

Redox is a Disruptive Scientific Breakthrough

Now, turn your thoughts to tuning up your amazingly complex human body. How do you tune it up? What is the best way to do make it safer, resist disease, and prolong its lifespan? Is it as or more important to do that than tuning up your automobile? I think so, yet so many of us don’t do a very good job of it. Many don’t even think much about how to go about establishing a preventive medicine strategy, choosing the best methods, supplements, or avoiding the toxins and hazards in our environment.

My first choice in this is a regular checkup for screening problems at my medical providers offices. Yes, many medical providers, not just one. I believe in the wisdom of the crowd not just one person. One person cannot know all there is to know about the human body. I like a combination of progressive medicine, traditional medical specialists, chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, physical therapists and massage therapists on my team. I even have an atomic medical physicist on my team.

I’m not sure you know why an atomic medical physicist would be on my medical review team, but here’s the reason: my guy, Dr. Gary Samuelson, developed a way to stabilize redox signaling molecules so that I could take them daily. He provided a way to store and thereby ship them to me at my home so that I could replenish those molecules my body needed as I grew older. Because we loose 10% of our capability in our mitochondria to produce these essential redox molecules each decade we live, at age 70 I need more added as supplements than I did at 40 or 50.

So, what does redox do in the body and how is it like getting a tune-up daily when I take it? Redox Signaling Molecules (RSM) are the communication system of every cell in your body, allowing processes to take place to detect problems in the cells, repair damaged cells, and replace completely broken cells. Redox causes genes to function better and at full capacity even when they have been degraded by toxins, wear and tear. The body can heal itself if given the chance with redox signaling molecules in abundance. Consider it an oil change for the blood, lubrication of the bones, ligaments, and joints, and a topping off of the depleted hormones that the body so desperately needs to function well. A change of oil filters is needed for your automobile on a regular basis. Regular redox consumption helps make the body’s filters, the kidneys, lungs, liver, and thymus all work more efficiently every day.

Your body is going to “roll better” if you avoid what can cause a "flat tire". The proactive, preventive-minded person will be keen to take proper levels of redox supplements daily. We know that if inflammation levels are in check and not irritating your muscles, joints and ligaments we will feel better and live longer. An immune system overloaded fighting infection inefficiently will soon be depleted. Inflammation unchecked destroys vital tissues. Internally there is an positive, anti-aging effect from taking redox molecules. Your digestive system can function better to absorb nutrients and perhaps not have “leaky gut syndrome” if you have regular tune-ups with redox. Keeping balance in your blood chemistry, improved joint lubrication and normally functioning cellular processes happen when redox signaling molecules are in abundance.

Like an Indy 500 race car, endurance is important and with redox on board, the body’s metabolism is enhanced. It has been scientifically proven that redox ingestion increases our body’s endurance and efficiency to burn fat instead of muscle glycogen. Athletes, especially those that depend on endurance for performance, see tremendous gains in their personal best times plus easier, faster recovery after their races, swims, or cycling.

Lastly, detailing the body means using redox signaling molecules on the outside to clean and heal the largest organ of the body, the skin. Detect, repair and replace – these are the duties of RSM on the skin as well as within the body, fixing the problems on the outside just like on the inside. Skin is renewed, wrinkles and spots are repaired, removed. Anti-aging is visible when we are seeing what redox does for the skin. Wounds heal faster and with far less discomfort when a person has redox liquid on the inside and redox gel on the outside. Healing outside in and inside out is really what is happening with redox.

Just like removing seven weeks of pollen and a bunch of bugs on the grill of my Yukon, a daily dose of redox can make me look better, feel better and last longer. And, who wouldn’t what all that? One thing, RSM, with all that power.

As easy as drink this daily, rub this on daily, and you get all that, a full tune-up for your body from an atomic medical physicist.

Dr. Bill Williams

ASEA Executive Associate

For more info


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