Getting in Touch with your Inner Perfect Self
Anesh Jagtiani
YPO Certified Forum Facilitator | Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
When trying to write your way to a happier life, expressing gratitude is just the tip of the iceberg. There is also the notion of getting in touch with your inner perfect self.
In a classic study conducted by Laura King at Southern Methodist University, 16 participants were asked to spend a few minutes during four consecutive days describing their ideal future.
They were asked to be realistic but to imagine that all had gone as well as it possibly could and that they had achieved their goals.
Another group was asked to imagine a traumatic event that had happened to them, and a third group simply wrote about their plans for the day.
The results revealed that those who had described their best possible future ended up significantly happier than those in the other groups.
In a follow-up study, King and her colleagues repeated the experiment, this time having people describe on paper the most wonderful experience in their lives.
Three months later, assessments revealed that compared to a control group, those reliving an intensely happy moment were significantly happier.
Where focus goes, energy flows. Flush out the weeds of your mind by consistently focussing on and visualising a better future.
Make it happen!