Getting to the Top
Sandy Schussel
I help financial and insurance professionals accelerate their growth, find more free time, and improve their systems. More income-more time for fun.
If you’ve qualified for membership in the Million Dollar Round Table and want to get to Court or Top of the Table, there are really only two ways to make that happen:
1. Significantly increase your number of sales
2. Significantly increase the size of your sales
Either of these paths alone could get you there, as can any combination of the two. But producers are always telling me about the obstacles that keep them from reaching this production level:
- Demands on their time from paperwork and client service, etc.
- Not being able to get in front of enough quality prospects
- Competition for clients’ insurance dollars by other local agents and online offers
- Overwhelming family demands that limit their time
- Not knowing what to do
- Not having enough energy to do more than they’ve done
Click here to learn some of the strategies and systems I’ve observed in producers who propelled themselves to the Top of the Table.