Getting into TikTok
Don't be afraid of change!
Last week, I started to do content creation on TikTok, the video app. I'm no stranger to content creation, as I have worked with websites for 20+ years, and in video for 15. Not bad for someone who started off as a print media major at Syracuse University.
Today marked my first multi-scene video that I did serious editing on. Though I did the editing in Vegas, and not in the app, it was still an accomplishment. More videos are planned, and I find it a handy thing to have, less time consuming than YouTube.
And there's a lesson in this.
One of the most important lessons I've learned in my working life is to adapt to change. When I began my career, my goal was to edit the Albany, NY Knickerbocker News—and that is really dating me, since the newspaper became history in April 1988.
And since 2000, the changes seem to be coming more furiously than ever. New media leads the way, and I not only have a 4K video camera, but also an iPhone 13 Pro Max and GoPro 9 to assist with the video work.
Too often, I have encountered people who seem to be incredibly set in their ways. That mentality has so often led to business failure, or to cities falling on hard times. Three years ago, I made the decision to convert two web sites of mine over to WordPress, as the emphasis shifted from what I could do with HTML to content creation and using a platform that had the flexibility to be used on mobile devices, as well as on laptop and desktop computers. And no, I did not use a professional for the site design. My background in typography and formatting allowed me to create the sites the way I wanted them.
The lesson? Keep an open mind, and remain alert for the changes. It certainly makes things interesting! Oh, and by the way, you can see my other TikTok videos at @timothyjohnforbes.