Getting to the teeth of purpose: What gets your Goat?
L'aide aux entreprises pour équilibrer le triangle entre l'économie, l'impact social et l'impact environnemental. Helping business to balance the triangle between economics, social and environmental impacts
Even the hardest investor led CEO has a heart and a sense of in-equality. You just need two find it!
After lots of attempts with senior people in many organisations to work out what makes them tick I've come to the conclusion that there are two questions to ask them to get to the bottom of purpose and "what gets their goat"
And then there is often a silence. Because the next question is "why is the answer to question two so low?"
Am also convinced that in people there is a strong link to mental health and stress issues of if the answer is low because of the tension between the head and heart. If you aren't spending your working life on the things that matter to you it will of course create a tension.
It's also hugely powerful to align personal passion with the collective resources available in the organisations in which we work. That helps us to celebrate success better and get through the tough bits.
What are your best ways of getting purpose out on the table in discussions with people?