Getting started with TestProject
TestProject is one of the better and easier tools for Record & Playback (R&P), Report as well as running in different browsers and platforms.
1. Sign Up: Open a browser -> To sign up click Sign Up.
2. Activate A/C: Go to your email and activate your account by clicking the link provided in email body.
3. Login: Click here -> Click Login link at the top right corner and log in with valid credentials.
4. Get TestProject Agent: Mouse over Agents menu item and download agent for your preferred OS (Windows, Linux, Mac).
5. Install, Launch and Register Agent: Install & launch Agent -> Register it.
Steps to do:
Step 1 - Create Project: Visit TestProject and log in. Click “Add a new Project” link -> Enter a project Name and click Create.
Step 2 - Creating a Test: Click “Create a test” button -> Select Web as test type and click Next -> Enter a Test Name and click Next. Select/click “Web applications” combo -> Click “Add a new application for testing” -> Enter Name and URL (For example "Google search" and respectively) -> Click Finish then Next -> Click Record icon (If your Agent is not running a message will be shown as “Your local agent is disconnected. Recording is disabled. Please start your agent. You can also choose to edit your test manually. In this case, Run your agent).
Step 3 - Recording a Test: After clicking Record click “Start Testing”. A new window will be opened and ready to record your test.
Step 4 - Add Test Steps: In new window – add some test steps/operations. In this case the test URL is google: steps can be as below:
i) Search by keyword TestProject in search box
ii) Press Enter key
Your steps will be recorded in recording pop up.
Step 5 - Adding Validation: To validate any text/link/element -> Mouse over on that and press Shift key twice -> Mouse over Validations -> Click “Is Present” -> Click Create Validation step will be added on Recording pop up.
Step 6 - Run test: Stop recording. Select the project you created previously (Step 1). Click “Add a job” button -> Select Web and click Next -> Enter a name of Job and click Next. Select a browser from Agent browsers list and click Create.
Now Test and Job are present in the page. Drag your test and drop it to the Job. In Job area click Run icon -> Job execution will be started and recorded test will be executed.
Step 7 – Reports: Mouse over Reports menu item -> Click your Job and you can see the Test Report containing a graph. You can download the Report as PDF format.
Recorded test can be converted to code for flexible & customized tests. Click here for details.