Getting Started with Robot Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide
?????????Robot Framework is a popular open-source test automation framework that allows you to write and execute test cases in a readable and easily maintainable format. Built on Python, Robot Framework provides a versatile and extensible platform for automating tests across different domains. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to get started with Robot Framework and create your first test suite.
2. Create a New Test Suite:
3. Define Test Cases:
*** Test Cases ***
Login Test
?[Documentation]?This is a sample test case for login functionality
?Open Browser?
?Input Text??testuser
?Input Text??password123
?Click Button?xpath="https://button[@id='lo"gin-button']
?Page Should Contain?Welcome, testuser!
?Close Browser
4. Implement Test Steps with Keywords:
Use Robot Framework's built-in keywords or create your own custom keywords to perform actions in the test case.
For example, let's define a custom keyword to verify the welcome message:
Modify the test case to use the custom keyword:
5. Execute Test Suite:
7. Generate Reports and Logs:
Robot Framework simplifies the process of test automation by offering a user-friendly syntax and extensive functionality. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly set up Robot Framework, create test suites, and execute test cases. As you become more familiar with the framework, you can explore its advanced features, such as test libraries, test tags, and test teardowns, to build robust and scalable test automation solutions. Happy testing with Robot Framework!