Getting Started as a Java Developer
Getting started with Camunda as Java Developer
It is estimated that the number of Java developers in the world was 7.1 million as of September 2018 that number was projected to reach 7.6 million during 2019 and increase to 8-9 million during 2020s.
During 2020, Java turned 25 years old, Java continues to transform, while there are numerous reasons why Java continues to be a leader in the world of development and remains a programming language worth learning in 2021.
As a Java Developer, the chances of needing to interact/integrate with a Workflow or Process Engine are very high, fortunately, the open-source Camunda Platform has been designed to make that an easy task.
Who is the intended audience here?
The intended audience for this podcast and I may extend this into a series, is basically my geeky brethren. Java Developers who want to start using Camunda.
So, in order to follow along, you should probably be at least two years into your career as a Java developer, and be comfortable with Java, Spring, maven, etc. I’m not going to be teaching those, because better teachers than me have already created excellent free content on that.
If you’re looking for a recommendation, I can’t praise The Java Brains Series on YouTube enough. That guy is an excellent teacher, and very generous with his knowledge. I’ve provided a link below.
An overview of the context for someone who's brand new to Camunda
Camunda allows you to visually draw the sequence in which your application code is executed, along with branching logic, timers, decision tables, etc. These drawings are interpreted as XML by the Camunda engine and executed. The executing engine provides optimized performance, as well as automated logging, versioning, and so much more. The idea is that you can use a tool to control the orchestration of your code, and thus free developers up to focus on the raw excellence of what happens at every step.
How does the Camunda Process engine know what step you want to execute at any given point?
Every step in your process can be tied to a Java class, and that class’s ‘execute’ method will be called when the sequence flow leads you to that step.
What’s the significance of the fact that it’s on Spring Boot?
So that’s a really big deal. It means that your process has a bundled BPM process engine, and Tomcat engine, as an intrinsic part of it. These, in turn, can be super optimized for your particular process, which is really the way the “Camunda Gods†intended for your engine to work. It’s a game-changer, and something we’ve talked about before.
What are the top five things you need to know about using the Camunda Decision Engine work?
This podcast discusses 5 things you need to be aware as “Best Practices†when starting with Camunda as Java Developer. Stuart and Max discuss how Java and Camunda were designed to work together, usage of the visual sequencing feature in Camunda, how Camunda interfaces with Java code, step management with Camunda and the importance of Spring Boot support within Camunda.