Getting Started with Google Colab: A Beginner's Guide
Using Google Colab is straightforward and beginner-friendly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Accessing Google Colab
1.1> Go to [Google Colab]->( in your browser.
1.2>Sign in with your Google account if you're not already logged in.
2. Creating a Notebook
2.1> Click on "New Notebook" or choose from the examples provided.
2.2>You'll see a Jupyter Notebook interface with cells where you can write and execute Python code.
3. Writing and Running Code
3.1> Write Python code in a code cell.
3.2> Use the "Play" button (triangle icon) or press Shift + Enter to run the code.
4. Installing and Importing Libraries
4.1>Colab already has many libraries pre-installed. To install others, use !pip install library-name within a code cell.
5. Using Hardware Accelerators (GPU/TPU)
5.1>Go to Runtime > Change runtime type.
5.2> Under "Hardware accelerator," select GPU or TPU.
6. Uploading and Accessing Files
6.1>Use the file sidebar to upload files or connect to Google Drive for seamless data access.
7. Sharing and Collaborating
7.1>Click the "Share" button (top-right) to collaborate with others, similar to how Google Docs sharing works.
8. Saving Your Work
8.1> Notebooks are automatically saved in your Google Drive.
8.2>You can also download them in .ipynb or .py formats for local use.