Getting Smart about People Skills-September 8&15
Charles Wolfe
CEO at Charles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC Results Driven Firm based on an Emotionally Intelligent Approach to Leadership
How do you get the people on your team, similar to the pictures above to go from feeling nervous and disengaged to engaged and happy. My Emotion Roadmap is all about the world of emotions and my leadership consulting and training is geared to helping people become smarter about people skills.
Recently I have begun offering a new online workshop over two days that helps people learn how to use the skills of emotional intelligence to improve relationship skills. This is key to leadership, working as a team, securing a promotion, and even simply getting along with others. And while I teach how to use my Emotion Roadmap in your professional lives, I also know that the tools I am teaching are life skills, perhaps even more important to use at home!
Nevertheless the skills at work are in dire need. Consistently the Gallup organization finds that 80% of the workforce is never actively engaged. This is clearly an emotional issue. If members of your workplace are disengaged to any degree you are definitely losing out on productivity, innovative risk-taking, creativity and ultimately you are not making the profits you could be making, or if you are a non profit, you are not achieving the goals you could be achieving.
Invest in you and your organization by attending what others have said is a "life changing" workshop. You can do this from any computer where you can go online. The field of emotional intelligence is growing and people are learning how to improve their leadership skills. Don't be left behind. To register for my workshop go to the following link: