Getting Schooled - No Time To Waste
Alisa Kesten - Social Action Leader
Purposeful Connector - Antiracist Journey - Legacy Creator - Volunteerism Advocate - She/Her
As a few of you know, and more may be able to surmise, I am using my initial re-wirement time to dig deeply, bringing my own biases and blindspots to light with the intention of using my voice and taking action to be antiracist. It is humbling for someone who thought she was among the more enlightened and progressive, I'll tell you that. I have a long way to go but I don't want to wait until some imaginary graduation date to do something personally.
I am proud to be a member of the Leadership Council of Support Center for Nonprofit Management and recently participated in a two day workshop led by talented educators from True North EDI. One of the first ground rules established was "What is said in here stays in here; what is learned in here, leaves here." So here is one reflection I am sharing: we will never grow, we will never improve, we will never make a just community for the next generation if we leave it up to the next generation. If you are a nearly 65 year old like me or older, we cannot throw in our towels and marvel at the nature of the young people we see taking action day after day. Think of what you can do now in your workplace, your community, your home. I'll go first: I can donate to an organization working to undo racism. I can use my voice to share what I am learning and help pollinate discussion with my children and friends. I can continue to encourage boards of both nonprofits and businesses to look around their tables and see if membership reflects back the perspectives vital to succeed. I can carefully listen to candidates and vote for those who understand that being colorblind is denying systemic racism.