Getting the Right Wisdom
You will see in your mind where you want to go in your life before it manifests in your physical life. Everyone may not support you but the right people will. Do not let another person downplay your dream to the point where you stop believing in yourself. Your Creative Self has an assignment it desires to accomplish in the earth. It simply wants to create.
Sometimes it’s not just the negativity from without we have to hear, it is also the doubtful messages that can come from within.
Why should you do this? No one cares!
No one is going to pay you for this?
What you are creating is mediocre. Whatever you do, don’t quit your day job!
We can find these and other negative messages sounding within ourselves leaving us wondering who pushed the play button.
It does not matter how the play button was pushed but it is on you to stop it from playing.
Gain wisdom on where to share your creative dreams. We should stop ourselves from wanting from others what they are unwilling or incapable of giving…their acceptance.
A good strategy for the upcoming year is to make a real mental list of where you can safely deposit your dreams.
The Literary Midwife - Cynthia L. Hatcher