Getting The Right Interviews When You're Unemployed?

Getting The Right Interviews When You're Unemployed?

Even if you're landing many interviews, it's time to ask yourself ... are you getting the right interviews?

If you're not getting enough interviews, it's pretty easy to tell. But how can you tell if you're getting the right interviews to help you find the job you want.

First it's important to assess if you're getting interviews for the right type of job to meet your goals. Are you getting interviews for:

  • The right level?
  • The right size company?
  • The right job responsibilities?
  • The right growth prospects?
  • The compensation level you need?
  • In the right environment/culture?
  • In companies with a solid future?

Second, not interviews are created equal. You may be getting decent interview numbers, but how many are:

  • Compliance interviews? Are you getting interviews only scheduled to help the HR department show they're interviewing enough unemployed or age 40+ candidates (or other discriminated against group)?
  • Backup candidate interviews? Are you getting interviews when you're not one of the top candidates, but viewed as a backup in case all the top candidates turn the job down?
  • Interviews where you don't advance? Most candidates judge their chances to advance in the hiring process based on their performance (from their own viewpoint) - But that's only one reason candidates don't advance. Are you getting interviews where your unique talents align with a hiring manager's unique problems? Do you even understand their problems (you won't find them in the job description)?

If you're not getting enough of the right interviews, I can help.

This is the 3rd recession I've recruited/coached through, so I've seen first hand what resume and job search strategies succeed for job seekers during recessions. I've also seen mistakes candidates make, causing their recession job searches to fail. I've been through this before and know what works and what doesn't.

As a top national recruiter who reads hundreds of resumes per day, who has helped hundreds of thousands of candidates in their job search, and seen thousands of employers' job search processes from the inside, I've got a different perspective than most career coaches.

I see that most job seekers do essentially the same things, even when they think they are job searching differently. I also see most job seekers were taught search methods that eliminate them from consideration, because they conflict with the employer's hiring process.

But I've been helping job seekers implement job search and resume change to find a great job fast (even if you're unemployed or over 40) - and I've been doing this for 13+ years. I'll show you how to find a great job fast by understanding employers' point of view and hiring processes and how they change during recessions.

(I'm not just a career coach. I've also been a top national recruiter for the last 16+ years ... so you'll get advice from an insider's point of view.)

Let me show you what you can do now to change your job search and resume so you can accelerate your job search during the coronavirus recession, even if you're between jobs or age 40+.

Join me Friday 4/17/20 at 11:00am ET/8:00am PT, for my Resume Revolution! webinar (enroll at for no charge) to learn how to accelerate your job search during the coronavirus recession.

Want to see how well this can work for you?

"Great cutting edge advice on your resume, the cover letter dilemma and everyone's job search issues and questions. I guarantee you will hear something new in Phil's webinar that you can use in your job search today - information which you have not heard anywhere else! You will not be disappointed." - S.M.

"Phil has a great grasp on the practicalities of recruiting from the employer perspective, as well as the changing trends in seeking out the next opportunity including the use of social media. I have many takeaways from this webinar and recommend this as a must attend!" - F.E.

"This is straight talk from a guy who has the experience, research and contacts, and the know-how to help us maximize our opportunities. He doesn't pitch gimmicks or shortcuts; he gives guidance, answers questions about the job market and how our resumes are handled, and gives tips that help us get the results we want. Well worth it!" - J.M.

"Amazing info shared by Phil in the Resume Revolution Webinar! Who knew that I was wasting my precious time by relying on job boards?? (well, Phil did, of course...)" - S.H.

"His advice on my resume improved my response rate to easily 7/8 for every 10 sent, and I can say the resulting response was directly responsible for helping to find and land my current engagement." - D.M.

You'll Learn All This At Resume Revolution!

* Actionable tips to find a great job during the coronavirus recession

* How to double your interviews and resume response rate

* How to empower yourself in job search

* How to optimize your job search and resume to today's market realities

* What's different about this recession

* Why things that worked during a strong job market won't work today

... plus

* Come for the Webinar - Stay for the Q & A with job search experts

Enroll now at , or find our future webinars at .

P.S. I've launched the National Unemployment List and invite you to add your name if you're unemployed, affected by temporary closures, had your hours reduced, or have been laid off. The National Unemployment List will be distributed to employers, hiring managers, internal and external recruiters, to help everyone get back to work quickly. So add your name to the National Unemployment List at

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