Getting the right fit of tools and processes: aurOps for Scrum Masters
The IT industry has always been the fastest to adapt to change, primarily because of its relationship with evolving tech and the role it plays in its functioning. Maintaining agility in business processes and across teams, is thus, not a choice, but a necessity now.
However, agility may mean different things to different enterprises, but the key focus remains the same: speedy, efficient delivery mechanisms. For some with pre-existing frameworks, trying out newer methodologies also becomes a challenge. One of the most common problems that IT teams face, is aligning the SCRUM framework with DevOps processes, since the common misconception of ‘they don’t fit together’ is a widely spread one.
Chances are, that when business and tech leaders think Scrum, they think ‘agile processes’ and when they think of DevOps, they think continuous delivery. However, in today’s digitally transforming time, choosing one does not make the cut. Both need to be considered and worked upon. In fact, the Scrum framework can be used to make DevOps processes even better than they already are! That’s exactly what we had in mind, when we created the aurOps platform.
Every successful IT team has Scrum masters, whose main task is to facilitate the proper functioning of Scrum teams. Without this person, working on the principle of agile is impossible. These masters are responsible for leading coding teams, reducing roadblocks between different development teams and ensuring proper processes and structures that are essential for optimal functioning. Their job is amongst the toughest in the teams(of-course along-with the project managers)
Whether we consider hygiene tasks to be maintained in the task tracking, ensuring discipline within the teams, creating an atmosphere of transparency for all hierarchies, or ensuring proper visibility of tasks, the duty to facilitate a seamless functioning of scrum teams throughout the project life cycle falls upon the shoulders of the scrum master. And of course, there’s delivery at stake. We can’t forget that.
So where does DevOps fit into this picture? Everywhere. The core principle that DevOps is built on, is collaboration and speed, which is what scrum masters need to focus on most. Here is also where the aurOps model fits best, for teams working in remote environments. It’s the perfect platform for E2E continuous delivery as well. We used it within our own enterprise, and saw a lot of great impact that it brought about.
As a platform, aurOps improved transparency and visibility by almost 40%, highlighting the current vs past velocity of the team with relative deteriorating / improving trends, and established a proper discipline with missing data highlighted. aurOps was also able to successfully resolve the problem of distributed teams and added tremendous value to the scrum ceremonies.
And that’s just impact from one enterprise! We firmly believe that this has the potential to disrupt not just IT, but multiple other companies as well. All we have to do, is keep innovating!