Getting There Requires a Map
A strategy is a line of thought to get you from where you are to where you want to be. In my thought process it’s nothing more than that. That said, however, the effectiveness and efficiency of that strategy must be tried and tested. Vetting with trusted advisors a strategy can become a roadmap that guides you like a GPS guides us along to our destination when driving.
Anyone who has relied on a GPS without paying attention to the landmarks or trusting their gut knows all too well that as well intended as the designers of the GPS are, a GPS is only as good as the data it uses. We’ve all heard stories of those, or maybe experienced firsthand, a GPS led them into unknown places, down dead-end roads, or directed them into lakes. There is a Proverb that states, “Plans fail for lack of council, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22), and there is plenty of truth in that proverb.
We have only one paradigm through which we see the world. We need to have the wisdom to allow others to help us see things through their lens and from their perspective. That’s why many organizations use the Sr. Executive team or a Board of Directors as sounding boards for the development of a sound strategy. You don’t need to be leading a company to build such a council team. I work with a small team and together we develop the strategy, listening at each others perspective, having healthy debate over what can/will work and what the risks are and what countermeasures we can/should take to ensure we reach our goal and accomplish our vision.
Big organization or a small team, assemble a team of trusted people who can help you navigate the future. Strategic plans are not a one-person creation. One person may develop the Vision but buy-in comes when a team works on the strategy to effectively achieve it.