Getting ready for SpotLAX & Dorkfest 2024!
Where: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
When: September 13th-15th (Join and leave as you need to)
We are only two months away from my favorite international aviation gathering event of the year. This event attracts hundreds of aviation enthusiasts and professionals from all over the world. Brett Snyder of CrankyFlier and the crew at NYCAviation do a fantastic job of organizing multiple events for spotting and great giveaways, thanks to individuals and aviation industry groups. The Friday night party (tickets here), moderated by Kevin & Rudy from Airline Videos Live, will be hosted a top the world famous H Hotel from 4pm-9pm. Saturday afternoon we will meet up at the Westchester In-N-Out for a great afternoon of spotting. Saturday night TBD. Sunday morning spotting from Imperial Hill! Lots to spot and wonderful people to meet.
You can see a schedule here: