Getting the Phone to RING!

Getting the Phone to RING!

As business owners, we are bombarded with marketing opportunities all day long — robocalls, random texts, emails, LinkedIn ads, snail-mail, and on and on.

We are either doing SEO (the black hole), have done SEO, are being pitched SEO, or having nightmares about SEO. SEO is a necessary evil for some of us, and for others, it serves no purpose. Depending on your business or practice, it may be necessary to provide information, show off your amazing work. In contrast, other businesses' decisions are being made way before eyes ever hit or have the opportunity to hit their website.?

Some of us do mailers, coupon books, direct mail, etc. We are trying to entice our customers with a deal, package, or some Calls-to-Action. Better we do not track the ROI on those!

As a business owner, it is our job to get the phone to ring, get them in the door, in the chair. It's our job to make it rain and keep the doors open and the lights on.

It's shocking to me the number of business owners who are still not paying attention to reviews. In fact, 75% of businesses don't respond to any of their reviews. Whereas businesses that reply to at least 25% of their reviews could get up to 35% more revenue.

Not replying to reviews is not just a mom-and-pop thing; this is top-down from the venture capital firms who own your "local everything," the blue-chip national service providers, and yes, to the mom-and-pop businesses, too.?

We live in a review culture. Everyone reads reviews about restaurants, movies, and on Amazon. You read reviews; I read reviews; your customers read reviews. So why are so many business owners ignoring reviews??

Research shows that 92% of customers trust online reviews more than paid ads and personal recommendations.?

Business reviews get the phone to ring. As a result, they get more customers in the door.?

If you are not getting reviews, you are missing an opportunity. If you are doing any marketing or networking but not crushing reviews, STOP; you are doing yourself and your business a disservice.

2 Step Reviews gives a process to Ask- Receive-Track-Manage your business reviews and get the phone to RING!

Build Brand Reputation - Covert Looks to Opportunities - Get New Business


