It never ceases to amaze me how gatekeepers are incredibly efficient in what they do. "What to you want to talk about? I dont let rug salesmen through to our Managing Director as he is very busy". I am not a rug salesman and I would prefer to talk for myself because the subject is technically complex. "OK I will take your name and if he is interested he will get back to you". Net result I hear nothing back- opportunity lost. OK at least I tried.
Can I talk to Vince "No he is the Managing Director now and he doesnt take calls". I know him personally over many years and used to be able to talk to him. "Well not now". OK dont bother as it all sounds too hard. I have some ideas on how I can help the company. "Sorry but we get 50 calls a day like you." Wow hard nosed and doing a great job keeping people like me away.
Understand Gatekeepers have a role but turning away professionals who are not "rug salesmen" does a great disservice to their business and the industry. Professional service providers have extensive experience and when they see companies who could use their help a friendly call is worth while. We work globally and see many opportunities and solutions to technical problems when we travel. Recently I attended a one week intensive workshop at Colorado School of Mines in Denver USA which was amazing in terms of gaining knowledge of extracting metallurgy from the world's best. It provided many ideas and solutions to industry problems. So it is a shock when the gatekeeper calls you a "rug salesman". At least I take comfort in the fact I am a good "rug salesman".
We have read where a company has developed technology that reduces energy costs processing xxxx ore so we call them to find out more. Yes they take my name and never hear from them again.
Thats where Diggers and Dealers is much better because here the managing Director is at the stand and you can politely ask him directly "can I speak to you for 5 minutes as I have an opportunity that could be of interest to you?". No problems as there is no gatekeeper. Net result yes I am interested and thank you for thinking of us and lets follow up on this next week when we get back to Perth.