Getting Pass Discouragement
Marie Ricketts-Scott, , MBA, BSc, Dip ED
Learning & Development Specialist, Lecturer, Founding Director -Jamaica Lung Support. Logistic Professional
There are days when we don't feel our best: when we wonder about the "the whys" of life. When this happens it is usually because we are comparing where we are, with where we think we should be.
If that is where you are right now- be cognizant of one thing, just because your dream is not yet realized, does not mean it will never happen. The fact that we are still numbered amongst the living, means that there are victories in our future.
Bernard Williams gave us one of the best quotes on hope; he said and I quote " There is never a night nor a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." Hope is the most powerful of all virtues- it refreshes, it keeps us passionate and it forces us to be creative.
What are you hoping for today? Is it better health, a better job, a more fulfilling career? Whatever it is, never lose sight of the fact that it is possible. Continue pressing toward the mark and you will achieve it.
About the author- Marie Ricketts-Scott is a transformational speaker, with over fourteen years experience in people management.