Getting over a Breakup
When relationships end, it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions, like sadness, anger and fear. Even if the relationship wasn’t particularly happy, people might still feel its loss with feelings of grief. After a recent break up you may swing from feeling relieved and enthusiastic about your future one day and then feel sad and hopeless the next. It can be a roller coaster ride, but it is possible do some things to cope with the loss of a relationship in healthy ways that support our well-being and may even help us heal.
Things to do or change at home to get over a breakup
The first thing to remember when attempting to cope with a breakup is that it takes time to get over losing someone or the adverse circumstances that caused you to end your relationship. Whether you were the one to end things or not, you may still feel emotions like sadness, anger, loneliness, or guilt. With the following ideas and tips, you could slowly but surely progress through your feelings to arrive at a new, positive place in your life. Here are some things you can try:
Remove your any sentimental items that remind you of your ex from your space
Your home should be your sanctuary. If it’s filled with pictures and souvenirs of your relationship, it’s bound to trigger emotions. Round up the evidence of your ex and store it. You may or may not choose to get rid of these items down the road, but for now, just store them out of sight. This way, you don’t have to contend with photographic reminders every time you pass them.
Rely on friends and family
Make plans with family and friends. While it’s natural to want to discuss how you’re feeling and, possibly, what went wrong in your relationship, try not to spend all your time together focused on what has become a negative in your life. Be sure you infuse the time you spend with family and friends with positive experiences.
Nutrition, exercise, and proper sleep
Caring for your body with proper nutrition, fitness, and sleep could support your mental health too. Exercise, for example, triggers your body to release feel-good endorphins. These endorphins not only go to work healing sore muscles, but they flood the brain too, which could lead to a feel-good mental boost. Eating healthy foods supports your fitness goals and won’t leave you feeling sluggish the way junk food does. While indulging in your favorite foods and snacks is perfectly acceptable, try not to go overboard on these foods and, instead, stick to your healthy meal plans as much as possible – remember the 80/20 rule (try to be healthy 80% of the time and a little bit naughty 20% of the time). Sleeping too much or too little might detract from your mental health. Some people sleep excessively when they’re feeling down. Others may feel too jittery and upset to get much sleep after a breakup. Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Be sure your bedroom is conducive to rest and use clean sheets and fresh bedding. Have a nighttime routine to wind down e.g. have a bath, read a book, sip herbal teas – whatever calms and relaxes you before bedtime.
Focus on a favourite activity or pastime
Activities like hiking, camping, gardening, decluttering, cooking or crafting can be therapeutic when we’re trying to cope with emotional upheaval in our lives. What hobbies do you love to do? Whether you enjoy cycling, walking or reading, throw yourself into these pastimes, setting goals and making time to pursue them. When you focus on a hobby, you allow your brain to rest thoughts about your breakup. Revisiting your past relationship and its issues over and over may be normal things we do after losing a significant other. Still, they could sabotage our mental health if we focus too much on negative thoughts.
Rely on entertainment
Books, movies, plays—the arts may be a way to cope when we’re trying to get over the loss of someone special to us. Again, they might not cure our negative emotions, but they could give us a much-needed mental break from them. When you’re home, be sure to use your free time to enjoy movies or books.
How to get over a divorce
A divorce often involves more than just emotional upheaval. There are usually financial and even legal concerns that need to be dealt with. Some divorces could involve custody battles or arguments about spousal support and division of marital assets. Of course, emotionally, losing a significant other or a spouse is often hard and fraught with emotional stress. If you’re going through a divorce, use the tips we discussed above as well as some of these:
Maintain your routine
Divorce can rock your life’s framework, but there are still routines you can cling to during periods of emotional storms. Maintain your work schedule, fitness routine, and other daily or weekly elements of your life. These routine activities give each day structure, which works as a form of support when you’re feeling like your life is changing in so many dramatic ways.
Throw yourself into work
When one aspect of your life is difficult, there’s no reason you can’t focus more heavily on the aspects that are going well, like your career. If you don’t have a career, consider focusing on studying for one. Having a substantial focal point in your life prevents you from focusing solely on your divorce. Of course, you’ll have to address your divorce and the circumstances it presents, but you still need a positive focus for balance.
Consult with experts
If your divorce is complex, you may need to rely on experts like attorneys and financial planners. If you have children, they may be upset and could benefit from the expertise of a therapist. Getting assistance from experts will help you protect yourself and your children during the divorce as well as during its aftermath. Knowing that you have experts to rely on will give you some peace of mind as you go through this process.
New experiences could help you fill the void that divorce may create in life. It doesn’t have to involve huge expense – maybe just get away for a long weekend, visit family or old friends. Immersing yourself in new scenery and experiences will help you begin the process of building a new life.
Explore your options
At times, imagining life without your spouse may seem scary, but it can also be exciting. You now have the opportunity to explore a wide range of options about where and how you want to live. If your marriage resulted in unhappiness, it’s now your chance to find what will bring joy. Maybe you will change your career at some point or return to study. Moving to a new home may be part of your plan. Give yourself time to list all the things you’d like to do after your divorce, make plans, and then put those plans in motion as soon as you can.
Pamper yourself
This is a difficult time in your life, so be kind to yourself. Indulge in long baths if you want. Re-read your favourite novels. Seek comfort where you can, provided it’s a healthy form of comfort. Be wary of beginning a new relationship too quickly or diluting your stress with alcohol. Instead, take time to allow yourself to heal. If you have a bad day, don’t beat yourself up. This period of your life is temporary; you’ll get through it.