Getting Out of the Matrix?
Luciana (Luci) Patella White
Recruitment Specialist supporting Google | Talent Acquisition Expert | Stakeholder Engagement | HRBP | Psychologist
It is a trend to question the Matrix we are living in. It is a trend saying we are zombies, rats in a cage, programmed robots doing automatic tasks with no presence at all. Sure, it makes sense, but just a few manage to survive without being taken over by this tough system of life. So is there anything we can do about it?
You may decide to quit your job and perhaps start a new business selling organic food. Or you might consider moving away to a far distant land and start a new community there. Where it could be, or what it could be, it is hard to say, however, it seems pretty clear that it is not easy to get rid of everything you have been working for in your whole life just to fulfill an unpredictable purpose. You probably have a family, you have to satisfy some of their basic needs. It is not so simple, unfortunately.
Therefore, you end up living a sad boring life with a lack of purpose, up to the day you get a disease and are away from work. So true... Be aware the change starts with you, some wise person has said. So let’s think about it. We are not here talking about big changes, transforming moves, We are talking about small steps to get away from the comfort zone. Moreover, a little change can mean just the small top of an iceberg under the sea. Winds of changes will be about to come sooner or later, weaker or stronger.
I have to tell you there is no way to do any change if you are not open to knowing yourself. This is the first step. You probably will think, oh no, I don’t want to uncover this. Everything is fine the way it is right now. Really? So why are you not in peace most of the time? Why are you jealous of that brave colleague that had the guts to change his life?
You have to enter into your inner dark cave, sorry to say it. Once you decide to do it, you may come to the conclusion it was not so dark at all. You can handle your weaknesses and find out your strengths. Knowing your strengths you can work even harder to improve each one of them, making you stronger and able to survive in every Matrix you will be thrown at. Although it is not just a matter of knowing your strengths, you need to remind yourself you have them all the time. You need to be aware of them, aware of your power and have a good level of emotional intelligence in order to decide the best way and time to use them. In other words, you need to be fully awakened, present in each moment. Yes, that mindful stuff. Forget about the past, please, this is so useless. I understand you are willing to plan your future, but even then, it is useless pursuing happiness that might not ever come. After all, you might not be alive tomorrow, so what’s the point?
You can realise that you can feel better being in the present moment (I wouldn’t say happy yet because it depends on your level of awareness, chat for another article), but at least you would be able to bear tough situations without making you ill. So using your strengths to make changes, small or big ones, it doesn’t matter, in the right moment, with the right team, it can be a way of surviving in the corporate world. Changes bring new energy to the workplace. Energy can’t be stuck, it needs movement because it is how life is, movement.
Instead of big changes, (like that one the character Claude has made on the musical Hair), small and unstoppable ones will make all the difference in your life. What about starting to be more positive and grateful for being alive, for being healthy and for having a job? You are already doing a change acting this way.
You won’t get there being so moody and maybe you could even smile at a few colleagues once and while. It is a start. If one of your strengths is communication skills, why don’t you use it wisely to talk and together with your team or/and manager, find a better task you are good at? And so on. It is all about finding your place in the workplace.
Yes, it will be quite difficult to get your peer, busy manager or whoever is noticing something special in you unless you make it extremely visible. Remember he\she is in the same Matrix as you. Do not expect anything coming from outside. So like the trainers brand, just do it. Good luck!