Getting into nature and leaving the world behind
Dr Shirley Gallagher (FIEMA)
Circular Economist- or as an IEMA Fellow, an Influential Innovator, and Team Builder
Thanks Matt Mills for taking time out of a busy schedule to explain, explore and envelope us in an explosion of the senses as we experienced Goleen Harbour. Me for the first time since 2021 and the others, virgin voyagers to this oasis of peace and tranquillity. Our motley crew consisted of, a community energy solar engineer, a Masters student in sustainable finance, a permaculture therapist Yogi and yours truly.
Goleen Harbour is a wee corner of west cork, a hidden gem between the fastnet rock and mizen head. Matt’s approach has been holistic, growing good food, supporting the native honey bee, woodland making, and minding horses. Goleen harbour is an eclectic mix of camping, eco cabins, bell tents and geodesic domes available for holiday rental. Allowing those that visit to immerse themselves in nature.
There are a host of activities including kayaking, cycling, fishing from the rocks or the RIB, hottubbing under the stars, sea swimming in a tiny cove sheltered from the force of the Atlantic. With other diamonds scattered around like Goleen village, Barley cove, Mizen, Crookhaven and Ballydehob. Schull was blasting music as a street party got under way. A great place to get away.