Getting the most out of working remotely

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Are you #workingremotely due to #coronavirus or are self-employed or work for a start-up out of your garage? These quick tips may help you get the most out of your #homeoffice, and have worked well for me.

1) Communication and clarity: Ensure that you and your team communicate constantly via #webconferencing (#zoommeetings, #gotomeeting #webex etc), #WhatsApp, #TEAMS, #Slack and other methods. You can never over communicate. Preferably write the key scope of work down, and share online as a #checklist. Confirm that everyone is on the same page (proposal scope, project deliverables), and revisit this frequently to avoid drift.

2) Connect and context: Ensure you have your home office setup with easy and good access to your home WiFi. Confirm that cellphone signal is good in that part of the home, or you have access to a land line. A bad cell signal or poor WiFi can be a real drag. If possible, create a #workzone where you have your own private work space, and act as if that's your real office. I have heard of some people that dress up in work clothes during the day as they work in their own work space and then switch to home clothes after work hours. Essentially whatever works to get you in the zone. Speaking of zone, keep in mind time zone differences when scheduling online meetings or making phone calls.


