Getting the Most Out of Mediation: a Post from the "Ten Things" Vault
Sterling Miller
Sterling Miller
CEO, Three-Time General Counsel, Author, Keynote Speaker - currently CEO & Senior Counsel at Hilgers Graben PLLC.
Time once again to reach into the Ten Things You Need to Know as In-House Counsel vault of goodness and pull out another post from the past. Here is one on how to get the most out of mediation. When stuck in litigation, mediation is generally a highly effective way for in-house counsel to resolve the dispute. But, only if you do the work up front. Click here to read it.
Board Member, Energy & Infrastructure Consultant, Leveraging Legal, Policy & Regulatory Expertise to Deliver Strategic Objectives |Corporate Law - Electricity Law & Governance Expert| Championing Energy Access
1 年Very comprehensive. ????????